Chapter 40: A Not Really Brief Intermission

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Seonghwa's POV

Once the battle was over Mingi almost immediately passed out on the ground.

"Is he okay?" Win asked.

"He should be, he just used a lot of power." Seonghwa responded, looking down at the demigod. He almost looked peaceful sleeping there, like he didn't almost die not even ten minutes ago. Seonghwa has gone through so many emotions the past few days when it comes to his feelings towards Mingi. All he knows is he doesn't want to be away from the son of Hades again.

"Alright, Soobin, Win, Changbin, Minho and I, will get you guys back to the ship." Aisha began. "The rest of the therians will get the rest of the satyrs and those two nymphs back to Utopia."

"Alright." Felix said. Walking towards the ship the satyrs were on, followed by Dami, Kanghyun, and Seungkwan.

Seonghwa made his way back to the Illusion, when he was about to board the ship he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Nysa and Halia standing there looking at him.

"We just wanted to thank you for saving us. We saw what happened." Halia said, giving Seonghwa a quick hug.

"Yeah, thank you so much." Nysa said. "And tell Mingi and all your friends that we appreciate them. We almost gave up hope trapped in there."

"Of course." Seonghwa responded, he didn't know the two nymphs for long but he felt a connection with them. "The therians are going to take you to an island, it's safe there and you'll love it."

"Alright. Well..." Nysa paused and looked down before giving Seonghwa a small kiss on the cheek and a hug. "Good luck on your journey, I'm sure we will see you again soon."

"Hopefully..." Seonghwa trailed off. Unsure about the future.

"We will. I know it." Halia said, before Tisain called to them from the smaller ship. He gave Seonghwa a soft smile and a wave, which Seonghwa reciprocated.

"Gotta go." Nysa said.

"Alright, be safe." Seonghwa replied before the two nymphs trotted off after giving a small wave goodbye.

Once everyone got onboard the ship, Junhyuck, or Win, Seonghwa wasn't really sure what to call him, decided to lead a meeting. Mingi was awake, still weak but conscious enough to think and talk. All of the members had some sort of healing bandage on them, everyone was a little beaten and bruised. Seonghwa sat right next to him and put his arm around the son of Hades. Mingi leaned into Seonghwa's body, his head against the son of Poseidon's shoulder. Seonghwa looked across the room to see Wooyoung leaning into San. Wooyoung made eye contact with Seonghwa and Seonghwa was prepared for a jealous glare. But instead he received a soft smile, almost approving. Seonghwa smiled back, not that he needed Wooyoung's approval, it was nice the four of them wouldn't be at each other's throats as much.

"Alright what's the meeting about?" Hongjoong asked.

"Glad you asked. So you guys have been working on this prophecy for how long? A little over a month?" Win asked.

"I'm not really sure, we kinda lost track of time." Hongjoong answered.

"Okay, well either way. I'm sure you guys have realized what's going on. Essentially, there are Roman Gods and Greek Gods. The Roman Gods are trying to take over the Greek Pantheon."

"What? Why?" San asked.

"Because Greek mythology is more widely believed and studied. The Roman Gods are jealous. So the point of this prophecy you all were sent on is because the Roman Gods have gotten some minor Greek Gods on their side, promising them a seat as an Olympian when they overthrow the Greek Olympians." Win explained.

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