Chapter 14: The Prophecy is Given

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Wooyoung POV

Wooyoung walked into his house of Dionysus. His senses were overwhelmed with the smell of wine and alcohol. A smell he had been missing. He hadn't had a sip of anything alcoholic since boarding the ship a little over a week and a half ago. He noticed Dami was at the house and he waved a small hello which she reciprocated. There were a few other people living there but Wooyoung didn't take the time to introduce himself. He found the wine cabinet and instantly started drinking. When they were on the ship, San kept Wooyoung's mind busy and convinced him he didn't need to drink. Now that he is in his own house might as well pay respects to his father, right? He missed the taste of alcohol and the feeling it gave him.

"Just because we are children of Dionysus doesn't mean we have to drink." Dami said, walking behind him to the kitchen.

"Well, I do." Wooyoung responded by taking another sip of his wine. Wooyoung had a stressful time being on the ship. He needed to decompress which he usually solved by drinking before, and now he gets to do it here. He knew San would probably be disappointed in him, but he didn't really care. He finished one wine glass and instantly poured another. Followed by another, and then a fourth one. Downing one glass after another. He finished the whole wine bottle rather quickly. Then got up to grab another. As he was reaching for the glass he noticed a hand was wrapped around his wrist. He turned to see Dami staring at him.

"I'm cutting you off." Dami said, grabbing the wine bottle out of his hand.

"You don't control me, just let me drink." Wooyoung snapped back, but Dami just walked away.

"Keep it going and I will take away your option to drink." Dami said while walking away.

"Whatever." Wooyoung took another wine bottle out of the cabinet and left the house. Deciding to go somewhere alone and drink in a place where nobody would be. He decided to walk the opposite way from where he was shown around. Noticing a tree line he makes his way to it. Walking through the woods, he found a small clearing with a small stream running through it. He sat next on one of the rocks and popped open the wine bottle. Taking a swig while staring into the stream. Wondering what his life has come to now. Everything has happened so quickly, he never really had much time to process it. Now he's on an island in the middle of nowhere, learning about things he didn't even know existed. He was never really given a chance to digest any of the information and he's overwhelmed. Wooyoung always felt out of place living at his foster home, and he never really felt out of place with the seven men but he can't help but second guess everything he's been through. He was also second guessing everything with San. He found the boy cute and he enjoyed spending time with him, but he isn't sure about the older one. Wooyoung has already come to terms with his sexuality, and he never told anybody but he accepts who he is and loves himself. He's not sure if getting close to someone struggling with internalized homophobia would be good for him. The idea that San partially still believes being gay is wrong, while he and Wooyoung are gay, could defintiley cause tension between the two. Whether it's as friends or more. While Wooyoung was lost in thought he realized he had finished the bottle. He also could feel the buzz getting stronger. He definitely missed this feeling. Wooyoung used to believe he didn't enjoy drinking, only the numbing feeling after. But after not drinking for so long he definitely enjoyed the drinking part too.

"Wooyoung?" He heard a deep voice behind him and saw the son of Hades looking at him.

"Mingi... What are you doing here?" Wooyoung asked, confused as he has never really spoken with him before.

"Well, um... Hades never had many kids, so I was alone in the house besides Win, and he doesn't talk much. So I decided to take a walk and I noticed you sitting here." Mingi explained himself.

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