Chapter 12: Song of the Sirens

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Seonghwa's POV

Seonghwa was extremely upset from the argument with Mingi. He decided to leave before it got any worse. He noticed the waves were rocking this ship back and forth so he decided to go out and see if he could calm the ocean. He heard what sounded like Hongjoong running into the kitchen but couldn't hear what was being said. Seonghwa opened the door and all he could hear was a beautiful song. It's like he was being drawn to it. His head was empty and his vision was foggy. He just had to find the source of the song.

Hongjoong's POV

Hongjoong's heart dropped when Yeosang told him what they would be going against. A large group of sires, somewhere between the thirties and forties. They are the main challenge when trying to get to the island of Utopia. If any mortal sailors got this far they would be killed. If any demigods got killed, then they weren't worthy. He ran into the kitchen to try and warn everyone but two of them were missing. He was glad Mingi was in his room, but the fact that Seonghwa went above deck without any earplugs means he is probably already being lured by the sirens. Hongjoong scrambled to get the earplugs from the storage room. He saw them one day when Jongho was working out in there. He had everyone put them in except Mingi. They would just work on this without him since he doesn't like the son of Poseidon anyway.

"Alright, everyone put these in. I'm going to take the secret entrance to the map room, you all go above deck. Jongho restrain Seonghwa, you are the strongest. Yeosang, see if you can use your Aphrodite charms to break his trance from the sirens. Wooyoung, help Yeosang. See if there is some sort of fragrance you can use to make Seonghwa's mind easier to break. Yunho, use your mirror to highlight the sirens, there is a thick fog surrounding the ship so they are hard to see. If you can highlight them I can see them on the map and it will be easier to go about defeating them. San, I hope you practiced with those shoes. You are going to need to grab a weapon and fly around, killing any sirens you can. If we are able to restrain Seonghwa, then Jongho you can help San in eliminating them. If we kill the siren that is singing, we should be able to break his trance." Hongjoong laid down the plan extremely well. He could tell everyone was nervous about it.

"Where will you be?" Jongho asked.

"I will be in the map room relaying orders through the bracelets."

"What about Mingi?" Yunho asked, the taller one clearly seemed to want to be friends with the son of Hades,

"He will probably just ruin this for us... Apparently children of Hades are notoriously.. Complicated." Hongjoong responded.

"Okay, well let's go team." Yeosang said, Hongjoong was surprised at the quiet boys bravery.

Everyone did as they were told. The five men went above deck while Hongjoong climbed the ladder that directly connected to the map room. Yunho opened his handheld mirror and pressed the button, a bright beam of sunlight began to pierce through the fog. Hongjoong looked down at his map, seeing a bright red dot appear on it. When he looked up he saw the silhouette of a hideous creature. A scaly amalgamation of a snake, bird hybrid with wings and a tail. When the light shined on the face of the siren Hongjoong's jaw dropped. Their jaw was locked open, black mist escaping it. They didn't have any eyes, just two hollow holes. The creature looks horrifying. Of course, to someone locked under their trance the creature looked beautiful.

The plan was working well. Jongho had Seonghwa held down on the deck. Wooyung and Yeosang were both in Seonghwa's face, speaking to him. Yeosang's eyes were pink, sensing some sort of charm was going on. Wooyoung's eyes were purple, also sensing some sort of power was happening. His arm was now wrapped by his vine bracelet. The vine now looping from his shoulder to his wrist, at his wrist a purple flower had sprouted. It looked like some sort of fragrance was coming from the flower, assumably some sort of weakening fragrance. Hongjoong was curious where they figured out these powers. Hongjoong was still trying to figure out if he had any real powers. Yunho was still shining the light around the boat, trying to spot sirens. Hongjoong glanced at the map, the ship has now been stopped completely, and so far they were surrounded by fifteen red dots. San was flying around with a sword quite quickly trying to swing at any sirens he passed by. So far he hasn't landed any yet.

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