Chapter 18: Searching for the Next Step

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Mingi's POV

Mingi and Yunho both carried San and Seonghwa back to the ship.They took the two demigods to their respective bedrooms and Yunho began to heal the demigods. Yunho asked Mingi to wait in Seonghwa's room while the son of Apollo went to heal San. So now Mingi was sitting in Seonghwa's room staring at the unconscious son of Poseidon. The boy was only unconscious for an hour before he began to stir. Seonghwa opened his eyes and glanced at Mingi.

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for my sleeping beauty to wake up" Ming said sarcastically.

"You're an ass."

"Yes I am. I will let Yunho know you're awake." Mingi began to walk out of the room before Seonghwa stopped him.

"How did we win?"

"Well, I had to save everyone again." Mingi looked at Seonghwa. "You're welcome Privilege."

Seonghwa huffed and slammed his head down on the pillow dramatically at the return of his nickname. Mingi closed the bedroom door as he left and walked to Yunho to let him know the son of Poseidon had woken up.


Yeosang's POV

Yeosang, Jongho, and Hongjoong were exploring the island they had just battled on. They found a cave which looked like the main center of operations Aeolus used. There was a calendar with a different wind current marked on each day.

"Alright, everyone split up and let me know when you find something." Hongjoong ordered. The other two men nodded in response. Everyone went in different directions and began investigating. Yeosang was the first to find something. A map with eight pins stuck into it, each with a symbol next to the pin. One at the location they were currently at with a symbol representing a gust of wind. Another pin had a symbol of a maze, that would be the location of Ariadne, the Goddess of mazes.

"Hey Joong I think I found something." Yeosang muttered.

"Why does everyone think they can give me a nickname?" Hongjoong ranted jokingly, walking over to Yeosang. "I mean you're not even older than me. Is it because you're taller? That's actually pretty offensive. I didn't choose to be this height and the fact that you-"

"Hongjoong... Look." Yeosang cut Hongjoong's rant off and pointed to the map. Hongjoong immediately switched his focus to the map in front of him.

"Wow... is this what I think it is?" Hongjoong asked.

"Yes, the location of each of the Gods we are going against."

"That seems oddly convenient." Jongho approached from Yeosang's other side.

"Okay, but this is a big break. Let's use it anyway." Hongjoong decided. "Now let's get off this island, it's giving me the heebie jeebies."

"The what?"

"I just don't like it okay!" Hongjoong quickly left the cave and the three men made their way back to the ship. Showing the other men the map they had found.


Yunho's POV

They decided to go against Phobos next. The God of fear. They charted the course and started the journey there. It would be at least a week of travel before they get there. It also seems like the God is located in a metropolitan city, making the search for him exponentially more difficult. Once they started the trek to the city Hongjoong announced that everyone would have the rest of the day off. No training, no meetings, and no talk about the prophecy. Yunho could tell the leader needed a day off so he came up with an idea. He knocked on the leader's bedroom door and waited until he was given permission to enter.

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