Chapter 17: A Long Winded Battle

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Jongho's POV

Jongho wasn't sure what his sexuality was. He didn't really care much to label it anymore. He liked Yeosang... a lot. Although he was slightly worried that Yeosang was just using his Aphrodite powers to charm him. Even if he was being charmed he enjoyed it. The time he spent with Yeosang made him happy, even if they didn't have a label. They would be arriving at the island tomorrow and Jongho would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. Hongjoong mentioned to Jongho that they need to be smart because they are mainly brute forcing the battle. The two men do not have any special power like the others do, at least not that they know of. Jongho was currently training Yeosang with a sword, which seems to be his weapon of choice. San was flying above them with a sword of his own, practicing his battle technique while floating in the air. Jongho must say the dedication San has to practicing is admirable. Although it's probably to distract himself from Wooyoung, the two men finally started talking to each other again which is good, but Jongho isn't sure how long that would last.



San has vigorously been practicing his swiftness with the winged shoes. Working on different moving techniques quickly while also attacking strongly. He would fly around above the ship and attack the top of the main mast. He found the best way to move quickly was to lunge through the air like a bullet, keeping his legs and arms close to limit his surface area and reduce drag. He's improved a lot since the battle with the sirens where he was quickly thrown out of the air. Although his main motivation to practice was to avoid Wooyoung. They completely avoided talking to each other for a few days after the argument. Now they are talking again but nothing of substance. San was jealous of Wooyoung's relationship with Mingi. He's not sure if they are dating or just friends but they don't need to rub their closeness in everyone else's face. They spend every waking second together... it's unnecessary. San was getting angrier thinking about the two men. His swings were getting sloppier and he wasn't moving as smoothly. He heard two pairs of footsteps coming above deck, he looked down to see Wooyoung and Mingi laughing about something. Mingi with arm wrapped around Wooyoung's neck. The sight lighting up a jealous fire inside of San. San quickly flew away from the ship before turning back and rushing full speed at the wooden mast. He took a swing with all his force letting out all his anger in one blow. He swung a little too hard at the solid wooden mast and the sword flew from his hand and landed right between two planks, stabbing the wood. Only a few inches from Mingi's foot, if he had taken another step the sword would have gone right through it.

"What the fuck San?" Wooyoung shouted at the man still floating in the air. Mingi had a mix between confusion and fear on his face.

"It was an accident." San insisted.

"Come down here. We need to talk. Now." Wooyoung sounded like a disappointed mother. San landed on the ground and was dragged below deck and right into Wooyoung's bedroom.

"What's your problem dude?" Wooyoung spat at San.

"Nothing, it was an accident."

"I mean with everything. We were close and then you just... got weird."

"I didn't get weird. You replaced me with Mingi." San pouted, looking at the floorboards.

"I didn't replace you. I can have multiple friends."

"Okay but why did you stop talking to me?" San asked, genuinely wanting to know.

"Because, I can't help you with your internalized homophobia. As someone who is proudly out, I don't want to associate with someone until you fix it. Then we can talk again. You're a sweetheart, but damn you're jealousy is making me not like you." Wooyoung ranted, exhausted by San's actions.

The Prophecy of 8 (Ateez Greek Mythology AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang