Chapter 29: Refueling Before the Fight

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Wooyoung POV

The members decided to go back to the ship to heal up before the battle. The members who were trapped weren't sure how long they were gone for. So when Hongjoong said it was the next morning when they escaped, they were all pretty shaken up. So now, Wooyoung was lying in his bed, the adrenaline from the fight only fought off the exhaustion for so long. Hongjoong let them know they would head out tomorrow afternoon, so Wooyoung took the time to rest. He still felt sick from the potion, and the fight didn't help either. San has been bothering him, asking him what happened when they were captive but Wooyoung didn't say anything. He was asleep for most of it, and there was a silent agreement between the four men to not discuss the bloodbath that was after. Wooyoung was killing himself slowly when he drank, and he knew that. But killing other people... that's something he doesn't think he will ever get used to. Wooyoung had just asked San to leave the room so he could be alone with his thoughts, but now he isn't sure if that was such a good idea. As if someone read his mind, he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Wooyoung shouted from his bed. The door opened to reveal his best friend standing there.

"Hey Woo, how ya feeling?" Mingi asked, standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"I'm alive... so that's something... I guess." Mingi walked over to the bed and sat on the edge.

"You didn't have to come with them ya know. You were sick and you could have been hurt, I saw you fighting and you weren't a hundred percent."

"Okay, but I wasn't going to not look for you. You're my best friend. And I couldn't let you break our no dying promise." Wooyoung smirked and let out a soft laugh.

"Move over, stupid." Mingi said softly, Wooyoung shifted himself over to the side of the bed and Mingi laid down next to him, pulling Wooyoung into his chest.

"How are you feeling after... everything?" Mingi asked quietly.

"I don't know. I guess I'm still processing it all... I've never killed someone before." Wooyoung answered.

"Well neither have I. But we would probably have been killed if we didn't and I have started to enjoy being alive..." Wooyoung looked up in surprised at the son of Hades.

"Do you really?"

"Do I really what?"

"Enjoy being alive."

"Well, yeah. I had a rough start, but everyone here has made living pretty enjoyable overall. Especially you. You've helped me a lot, more than you know and I really want to thank you for that. So genuinely... Thank you for everything Woo. And thank you for existing, because I probably wouldn't be here if you didn't." Mingi trailed off at the end.

"Well don't act like I did all the work. You did a lot yourself. And don't discredit what you did for me, Song Mingi. I would have probably drank myself to death if I didn't have you."

"What do you mean... I drank with you." Mingi let out a deep laugh.

"Okay. But your company was a comfort to me. You helped me a lot actually and I care for you more than you know. So that's why I came to save you. Sick or in health, I would have been there."

"You're talking like we're married." Mingi chuckled. "San wouldn't have found that joke funny." Wooyoung began to wonder if he meant it as a joke. Wooyoung sat up and looked at the taller boy in his eyes. He wasn't sure what came over him but he leaned in and connected their lips. Wooyoung always thought his feelings for Mingi were like a friend, but maybe they are something more? He was scared when Mingi pulled away.

"What about San?" Mingi asked in shock.

"I told you, something about San has been holding me back. Nothing is holding me back with you." Wooyoung answered, trying to ignore the guilt he felt when the son of Hermes was mentioned. The guilt was washed away when Mingi kissed him back. The two men had their lips intertwined for another thirty seconds before Wooyoung pulled away to breathe.

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