Chapter 10: Finally All Together

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Yunho's POV

Yunho thought San was an interesting character. He is clearly full of energy and seems like a real sweetheart. Someone Yunho could really get along with. His real interest though, lied in Hongjoong. They were able to get San quite quickly after picking up Hongjoong so they weren't able to spend a ton of time getting to know him. All they knew was the guy liked producing music and was apparently the child of Athena, the goddess of wisdom. Since they had such a long wait until the next demigod would arrive. Yunho was hoping to get some alone time with Hongjoong, try and get to know the guy, and his thoughts on everything happening. He decided to walk around the bottom of the ship looking for the short white haired man. He checked the kitchen first, all he found was San and Jongho eating together. San was clearly talking Jongho's ear off. Jongho looked at Yunho with a clear look of resentment for the taller. Yunho felt bad that he said Jongho didn't need to be here but he believed it. Maybe Jongho has a reason but if he is such a nonbeliever he shouldn't be here.

Yunho decided to check the library next. There he found Yeosang, reading a book. He noticed Yeosang loved reading, always having his nose between a book.

"Hey love, have you seen Hongjoong?" Yunho asked.

"Have you tried checking his bedroom?" Yeosang asked instead of answering, not taking his eyes off of the book.

"Uh... No."

"Well maybe you should try there." Yeosang glanced at Yunho with a slight smile.

"Good idea." Yunho scratched his ear, embarrassed at not thinking of something so obvious. "Enjoy your book."

Yunho quickly left the room, walking to Hongjoong's bedroom and knocking on his door... No response. He decided to knock again a little louder. The door was quickly opened, the short man looking slightly disheveled, headphones around his neck, and what looked like a computer on the desk behind him.

"Can I help you?" Hongjoong asked.

"Uh... just wanted to see what you were up to." Yunho asked shyly, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm just uh... working on a song."

"Oh really... what's the song about?"

"Um.. it's called Twilight, it's a song about love for those special to you..." Hongjoong looked down embarrassed.

"Oh... can I hear it?" Yunho asked, excited about the idea of hearing Hongjoong's work.

"It's not finished yet... I am still working on the second verse, and I don't have the best singing voice either."

"I can sing for you. I really enjoy music and singing. I could do some of the vocals."

"Would you really want to do that?" Hongjoong asked.

"Of course! That sounds like a lot of fun... and we were told to kill some time anyways." Yunho started to lightly bounce up and down with excitement.

"Okay... let me show you what I have so far." Hongjoong led Yunho to the desk in his room. Hongjoong sat in the chair and Yunho stood next to him. He watched as the older clicked a few buttons and hit a few keys before he looked up at Yunho and handed him the headset.

"Let me know what you think." Yunho nodded in response as he put the headset on. Giving Hongjoong a signal that he was good to start the track. He was surprised at the tropical sounding song, but was thoroughly enjoying it. Once the demo ended he took off the headset and looked at Hongjoong, who was eagerly waiting for a response.

"That was... AMAZING." Yunho started jumping in excitement. "You are so talented it's insane."

"Thank you so much, it means a lot. I wanted to get into producing but I could never do it so I just made a few songs on the side. Do you want to help me record some vocals."

The Prophecy of 8 (Ateez Greek Mythology AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora