Chapter 23: Fight the Fear

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A/N: Another trigger warning for this chapter, the content is heavier than usual.

Yeosang's POV

The eight men gathered in front of the final destination. Everyone had an anxious look on their face. The tension could be cut with a knife. Yeosang stared at their leader who was clearly trying to come up with a plan.

"Okay..." Hongjoong started. "Did you bring the blush kit Yeo? The one you received from Aisha?"

"Of course." Yeosang pulled out the kit at the mention of it.

"Okay, so we haven't really seen it used but if you appear to them as someone that will make them more susceptible to their charm, then it could help. So you apply it before we go in. Then Mingi..." All eyes turned to the son of death, Yeosang noticed he was wearing a necklace with a whistle on it, something Mingi hardly ever wears.

"Mingi you need to put on the invisibility cap, sneak behind him and try and end it before it starts. Yunho, use the light from your mirror to distract him, Jongho be ready to charge. Wooyoung, try and hold him down with vines. San, be as quick as you can, attack him from every direction. Seonghwa... any water nearby?" Seonghwa quickly closed his eyes, clearly trying to sense anything he could latch on to. He opened his eyes and looked at Hongjoong, shaking his head in disappointment.

"We're too far from the port... not sensing any lakes either. I can't really sense any pipes in the building's walls either... almost like he would be expecting this..."

"Okay, that's fine, it doesn't make you useless. Just use your trident and attack with Jongho, and San. Your three's main goal is to distract him while Mingi can surprise him. I will have the lantern ready to trap him when he's weak enough."

Everyone nodded in agreement, the plan definitely wasn't foolproof but it's the only one they had. The men entered the building, not sure what to expect inside.

The building still exceeded their expectations though. It was a safari themed restaurant. Fake animals all around and lion heads on the wall. They made eye contact with the hostess, a very pretty woman with shoulder length brunette hair.

"Welcome to the Panicked Lion. Do you have a reservation for seven?" The hostess leaned towards them sweetly, her tone extremely warm and welcoming . Yeosang was observing the hostess carefully, he looked down at her wrist and noticed a symbol... a heart, like his own. She's a daughter of Aphrodite. That's why she didn't react to Yeosang's makeup charm. She also didn't seem to notice Mingi who had put his cap on before entering. The son of Hades looked transparent to his seven members but was completely invisible to everyone else.

"No I don't..." Hongjoong said, not sure what to say next.



"We have you right here, a special reservation just came in." Her eyes flashed pink and Yeosang noticed Hongjoong's body relaxed. The leader didn't realize he was being influenced. The hostess smiled, the welcoming aura no longer there. "Follow me."

The eight men followed the hostess, passing all the guests and tables on the way. The hostess opened a door labeled STAFF ONLY and gestured for the men to continue following, her eyes flashing pink again. They walked down a long hallway where a large door was waiting for them at the end.

"This is the room for large parties. Enjoy your time here." The hostess opened the door and the eight men walked in. The room was large, the floor was poorly made of wooden plank, nails and splinters sticking up from the ground. The walls were all painted with Safari themed animals. Yeosang looked at the lion which was painted on the back wall, the king of the jungle stood tall on a rock above everyone else. Right above the painting was a mounted lion head. The eyes were quite realistic. Yeosang noticed the other seven men were walking around, Hongjoong seems dazed from the charm that was now wearing off. Mingi was still transparent, meaning he was following the plan well. Seonghwa had his trident out and Jongho had his weapon and shield in hand. As Yeosang made his way to the other wall he couldn't help but feel like a pair of eyes were following him.

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