Chapter 24: Time of Healing

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Jongho's POV

The ship had a melancholic mood once every returned. Everyone worked together well to finish Phobos off but once the dust had settled, the trauma of what they went through followed. Hongjoong spent most of the time comforting Yunho, who was upset at himself for helping the enemy.

"Yunho, you were in a trance, you didn't know what you were doing!" Hongjoong insisted.

"The whole thing was weird. I should have realized what was happening." Yunho snapped back, they were almost shouting at each other. Jongho could hear the whole conversation through the wall.

"I watched my mother die... and then you." Yunho's voice cracked. Jongho could tell he was close to crying.

"Stop being so nosey." Yeosang scolded him, they were in his bedroom. Both men are trying to unpack what they just went through.

"They are being loud." Jongho defended himself.

"Doesn't mean you have to listen... talk to me" Yeosang sounded upset about something, thought Jongho couldn't tell why.

"What did you see Sangie?"

"Well, we failed the prophecy. You died, and I was working at the flower shop with my grandmother. Then we were robbed and she was shot and killed in front of me. Then they shot me, but when the bullet hit me, the scene changed. I was with my dad at the hospital when he got in the accident, but he told me everything would be okay. He comforted me enough that I was no longer scared, and then the illusion broke." Jongho couldn't help but feel bad for Yeosang.

"I'm sorry Yeo..." Jongho trailed off.

"Don't be... I knew what we were in for. If you want to be sorry for anyone it should be Seonghwa... he's going through it."

"Well, Mingi hasn't left his side." They had been on the ship for a few hours now and everyone was with someone else. "Which means... my twist of fate assumption was true... we ARE living in a K-drama."

"You're so obnoxious..." Yeosang laughed. "What about you? What did you see?" Jongho explained the illusion he was stuck inside. Yeosang's face plastered with hurt for Jongho. His reaction turned to horror when Jongho described the way he killed his stepfather.

"I'm... speechless." Yeosang got off of the floor he was laying on and onto Jongho's bed. Yeosang wrapped Jongho in a hug and the two men lied down together. The genuine love coming for Yeosang healed the hurt Jongo didn't realize he was suppressing. The years of abuse and pain he had gone through, slowly being healed by the outpouring of love he felt for the man in his arms. Tears started to fall down his face. Jongho doesn't remember the last time he had truly cried. When Yeosang noticed the tears he leaned away and wiped his tears away.

"Don't cry Jongho, I'm here."

"I know... that's why I'm crying. You're the first person that has been." Jongho couldn't stop the tears now, they were falling freely. Jongho closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to stop his tears. He was cut off by his lips connecting with someone else's. Jongho opened his eyes and Yeosang was staring right at him while they kissed. Yeosang pulled away and put his forehead against Jongho's.

"I love you Jongho." The words came from Yeosang quickly but the world was moving in slow motion. Nobody has ever told Jongho that they loved him and Jongho wasn't even sure what love felt like. Whatever he felt for Yeosang had to be love though, there was no other explanation and he's never felt this way before.

"I love you too Yeosang." Jongho replied, earning a huge smile from the son of Aphrodite. Yeosang pulled out his phone and went to take a picture of them.

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