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Takemichi, who was overwhelmed with embarrassment and anger, stomped over towards the girl who coughed into her clenched fist to maintain her composure, her eyebrow furrowing at what the blonde one said.

His hand shot forward and gripped her wrist, tugging her upwards causing a few gasps and whispers to travel through the crowd. Her chair skidded against the ground, the legs scraping against the floor and creating an ear-grating noise that made some flinch, the impact of the back of the chair hitting the floor creating an awkward silence.

As she was dragged out of the classroom without voicing any complaints, Takemichi's four main friends looked between one another and shared a mutual nod that silently agreed that they would definitely follow.

The bathroom door slammed open with a harsh push as Takemichi and [ Name ] walked in before the weight of the door began to close it by itself, though it was quick to shoot open again as four more sets of footsteps walked in.

Yamagishi swung open all the stalls to make sure no one was in there with them, which was quite rude considering this was a public restroom, while Makoto walked up to Takemichi and grabbed the collar of his shirt before shaking him back and forth aggressively.

"Alright, what the hell is going on! I'm beyond jealous right now."

Before Takemichi could stutter out a response, the voice of the girl who was curiously looking at the urinals before echoed throughout the bathroom.

"Ah... looks like I took it too far."

Everyone stopped what they were doing upon hearing the voice, turning to look at [ Name ] who was remaining quiet this whole time. Yamagishi's hand pressed on the door of a stall as he turned around to face her while Makoto's eyes trailed over to her, not letting his grip on Takemichi falter in the slightest. The other two watched silently with equally intrigued expressions while Takemichi still looked irritated.

[ Name ] bent forward as she dipped her head downwards and lightly caressed one hand over the other as she pressed them against her [ Skirt / Pants ], a small non-exaggerated bow that she hoped would convey her sincerity.

"I should apologize. My name is [ Name ], and it is true that I will be transferring here. I was just teasing earlier, me and him have nothing going on— also I was unaware he had a significant other... that "Hinata" person you mentioned, I will be sure to apologize to them myself."

Lifting her gaze, she analyzed the expressions of Takemichi's friends which ranged from respect to relief.

"W-woah..." Bewildered at the very formal way of talking and apologizing, Makoto continued to stare while blinking repeatedly, forgetting he still held onto Takemichi.

"You can let go, ya know." Takemichi said as he pushed Makoto off of him and fixed his collar.

Makoto stumbled back a few steps but didn't bother to scold Takemichi as he stared at the girl with an unnerving blank stare, Yamagishi voicing his thoughts as he pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose and stepped away from the stall.

"Man... she's--"

Before he could finish his sentence, Takuya, who seemed to be the only one aside from Takemichi who acknowledged she wasn't some delicate artifact from a museum but just a regular human, looked over at them and shook his head.

"Guys!" He hissed, making the two look over at him and give arguing looks.

Stepping forward with his hands shoved in his pockets, Akkun walked over to his blonde-haired friend as he glanced over at [ Name ], who was watching everyone closely, scrutinizing their reactions.

𝐘𝐚𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐚 - 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐗𝐢𝐚𝐨!𝐬/𝐨Where stories live. Discover now