49 - Oliver Taylor

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A couple of months later, she functions as an ordinary secretary. She still needs more training before she could be at par with Charles. We've let her join meetings in discussing important projects and resolving critical issues.

The downside, some rumors have already started circulating between the employees. It's no secret that I treat her in a special way and even Charles can't pretend to scold her. People notice things, including the fact that we go home together. Some even saw us eating out for meals. Even with the explanation we've prepared, not everyone could be satisfied with it. Some people have come forward to say we've known each other before she started working as my executive assistant. They saw us go on dates before. The downside again is they think she got the job because of our relationship. They're not wrong. Some even managed to dig up the fact that she has amnesia. Lee's trying to show she's not bothered by it, but I knew that she is. Even after the memo I had Charles issue to all departments, they still talk about it behind the heads' backs. Even the heads talk about it when they're together. I was almost tempted to fire anyone who will be caught gossiping during working hours.

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