64 - Oliver Taylor

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I brought her straight to the hospital. Lee rarely gets sick. It's usually light fever. Cough and colds. Headaches. But this is the first time she complained about headaches and chest pains.

I apologized to Christan for disrupting his celebration. They wanted to come but I told them we'll be fine. We'll come back to the house when Lee's released. That's if she will be released today. Mom had the audacity to ask if she's pregnant. I sighed. I would be happy if that was just the case.

"All vitals are normal, she needs rest. We'll monitor if her headache gets worse." One of doctors stated.

"How about the chest pains?" I asked, reading the document he handed.

"We gave her medicine to ease the chest pains." The word medicine made me think of mom's question.

"Have you checked if she's possibly pregnant? Won't the medicine be bad for her then?"

"I'll have it checked, but I don't think she is. I can usually tell. Did she have a concussion recently? Did she possibly hit her head? That usually causes extreme headaches, especially if there's bleeding inside. We have to prevent that or operate on it immediately if there is."

That made me stop.

"Would it matter if she hit her head two years ago? She has retrograde amnesia."

The doctor seems to make sense out of it.

"Did she see a neurologist? I need to see her reports."

"Yes. I'll contact her. I'll have the reports sent to you as soon as possible." I'm already dialing Charles number.

Fortunately, the neurologist is off-duty and she brought the reports herself. She talked to the doctor as well.

It took nearly a full day before her headaches subsided. I let her rest.

When she woke up the next day, she didn't say anything. She looked disoriented. I fed her breakfast, and I let her rest some more. She's still pale. I held her hand all throughout.

"What happened to Tanya?" She asked.

Did anyone ever tell her Tanya's name? I can't remember. Maybe it has been mentioned at least once.

"What do you mean?" I'm not sure what she's asking.

"How did she die?" She continued.

"Car accident." I answered. She didn't respond after that.

She closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

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