Display of Strength

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A/N: i have not updated in A REALLY LONG TIME so here's a short, sweet and fluffy chapter for you! also, i'm changing the ages for the sake of the story line.


"I'm stronger than you," little Ahsoka giggled, punching young Anakin on the arm good-naturedly.

"Mhm, sure you are," he played along, a smirk gracing his lips. "Try me."

Inwardly, Ahsoka grinned. She would use the Force on him and he wouldn't know any better. "Okay!" she agreed, crouching and wrapping her arms around his legs. "On thwee- two- one- ugh-"

Even with the Force, he was heavy since he was three years older than she.

In the end, the young girl had only managed to lift one of her best friends's legs.

"Impressive," he commented anyway. "Now it's my turn."

"I bet you can't lift me up," Ahsoka smiled- but it quickly faltered as she found herself hoisted up in the air in Anakin's arms.

"Hmph. Can you do one arm?" She challenged indignantly.

Anakin paused. He hadn't expected that request and he wasn't sure if he could rise up to her challenge.

He also knew that he couldn't stay silent for too long, for if he did, she would see it as a weakness and taunt him endlessly.

"Yes, I can do one arm," the ten-year-old returned — though not nearly with as much confidence as before — wrapped his arm around her and-

He'd done it! Admittedly, it had taken him longer than he'd have liked to hoist her off the ground, and he had used more of the Force than he'd have liked... but mission accomplished.

"See, 'Soka?" he smirked in response to her pout. "I can do it. You on the other hand, couldn't even lift me off the ground."

"That's not fair!" Ahsoka complained. "You are older than me. Besides, I felt you using the Force."

"I felt you using the Force as well, kiddo."

"Don't call me that! I hate it when you call me that! I am not a kid!"

In a rush, Ahsoka stormed out, with a regretful Anakin chasing her. "Ahsoka please, I'm sorry!"

"Are you?" She hollered back, visibly still angry.

"Ahsoka, please..."

It was the please that got to her. Anakin was a very prideful person and didn't use endearing terms with her -- or anyone, for that matter -- often. Maybe he really meant it this time?

Reluctantly, she turned around. 

"I'm sorry, Snips, I really am."

Before he could utter another word, Ahsoka jump-tackled him into a hug. He really means it.



also i have nearly completed my DEH fic storyline so when i finish writing the book (im keeping it in my drafts until it's done so there's no stress for releasing on time), look out for that!! 

until next update! i'll try to make updates more regular, at least once a week, if school and life don't have other plans for me..... which they usually do >:(

- jazzy

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