Chapter 6

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"Soo. What a pleasant surprise." Lisa hugged him lightly when he opened the door, "Are you ok, man?" He looked at Jisoo's gloomy face.

"I'm fine." Jisoo answered shortly, trying to keep his voice light.

Lisa stepped back to let him in to his apartment, "What have you done to yourself? Come back to the old Kim Jisoo, huh?" He hit Jisoo's arm playfully, scrutinizing his new look. Short haircut, shaven face and dressed, "Wow." Lisa still smiled, looking at Jisoo with a happy expression.
Jisoo looked at him in annoyance, "Would you stop mumbling about me? I came here to have a chat with you. I don't want to waste my time to hear you talking nonsense."

"Wow, take it easy, man. How come you become so grumpy like an old lady?"

"Lisa, be serious, please."

"Ok. Ok. I apologize." Lisa answered quickly, before Jisoo exploded. He knew very well how his best friend's short temper is when he exploded.

"I tried to find her just now." He said, quietly.
"You what?" Lisa asked in surprise. It shocked him. His best friend was still trying to get involved with that girl after he thought the tragedy had ended.
"I went to her house but she was sleeping. I didn't see her but I promise myself I will be back. I have to talk to her." Jisoo said, firmly. He looked at Lisa.
"I have told you. Leave her" Lisa said, firmly "You can find another girl and move on with your life. You don't have to be obsessed with her. I have a plenty of girl friends for you to choose. She wants to forget all that had happened and you have, too. Take my advice. Don't cause any trouble."

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because." He shook his head,.

"I can't forget HER, Lisa. If I can't see her, I think I might go crazy. For the last two weeks, she has always been in my mind." Jisoo said, desperately. He ruffled his hair with his fingers. His face troubled. Sighing in despair, Lisa looked at his best friend.
"Honestly, I have a big question in my mind since that night. However, I couldn't meet you in person. Your lawyer and police didn't allow anyone to visit you except your family." Jisoo raised his face to meet his best friend's eyes. He was waiting for his question anxiously.

"Why did you do that, Yong? Why did you have to rape her? There are many respective ways to get to know her or pursued her. You have the looks, brain, power and money; you have all the girls longing for. Why did you have to disgrace yourself?"

"I don't know. I was a little bit drunk that night. I was angry with her. She was so cold, snappy, and looked at me with disgust. It hurts my pride. All these time, I have always got the girl I want. I almost released her if she didn't dance with me. We danced gracefully and I could see she was attracted to me when our eyes met. Maybe I was wrong, I don't know. My mind wasn't clear. When she refused to talk to me, giving her pouting face on me and treating me like nothing, my tempered rose. I suddenly remembered Seungri giving me those drugs. They were still in my pocket. I swallowed one pill after pouring one in her orange juice." He paused, gasping for his breathed.

"To tell you the truth. I don't remember what I did to her. I didn't enjoy it, at all. When I regained my consciousness I saw her beneath me, naked with a painful expression on her wet face. The expression I couldn't forget for the rest of my life." He stopped with a dull pained expression on his face. Jisoo stared at his best friend with his gloomy face, "You know, ONE mistake led me to live in hell." He whispered. Lisa inhaled a heavy sighed.

"So, what are you planning next?"

"I don't know. I can't decide now. I heard from my father, she has fiancé already. If her fiancé refused her because of this, I will never let him go." Jisoo said, firmly. He clenched his fists tightly.

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