Chapter 11

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The title of a weekly magazine attracted her eyes. With a frowned, Jennie took out the magazine from its shelf. She opened the main page anxiously.

KIM JISOO'S BABY SECRET, 'Rumors say the most eligible bachelor in this country, KIM JISOO, had found his future wife. Some witnesses said they had a romantic dinner at the Italian Restaurant, Ruffino Restaurante three days ago. They were chatting happily the whole night with sparkling love between the lovebirds. Kim, looked like a changed man when he appeared with his mystery girlfriend. The 26-year-old was in jailed for 14 days back in March after being found guilty of using drug, drunk and sexual harassment at the Sherwood Seoul Hotel. However, the assault seemed to have no proves. An amazing fact wrapped media attention when Kim Jisoo had been spending more than three hours in a baby shop. Around the same time, it was revealed that his mystery girlfriend was pregnant. Their close friend exposed that the wedding bell of the lovebirds seemed unavoidable. As we know, Kim had been dating many famous girls in the past including Hong Soojoo, the famous model who lives in New York. Therefore, media was furious about the girl whom Kim had celebrated his birthday romantically with.'

"What the crap!" Jennie said harshly, putting back the magazine on its shelf. She hoped Jisoo could manage the media and protect her from their attention. She wondered what he's going to say in a press conference today.

Irene turned her eyes from the magazine on her hand to Jennie. She looked at her best friend, who was being grumpy to herself in the last two days, 'Jennie is in her bad mood again.' She said to herself. They had been walking from one mall to other malls since this morning until they stopped at a book store. She peeked at the title of that magazine curiously, KIM JISOO'S BABY SECRET. She sighed. She didn't understand what was going on between the two of them. Jennie hated him so much and accepted him only for the sake of the baby's life. Irene heard several times how Jennie cursed him and his baby in one day outing with her, but she frowned when Jennie bought a little light blue onesie along with a pair of small tiny socks in blue when they were at the mall. She shook her head secretly, 'Maybe her cold heart had started to love her baby and forgive its father.' She told herself certainly.

"Damn!" Irene was startled from her thought. Jennie cursed again, 'What was wrong with her today?'

"Jennie, are you feeling alright? Why don't we have a cup of coffee?"

"I don't drink coffee anymore. I'm pregnant, remember?"

"Oh yes, but we can still go to the café and order something to drink. Come on, I'm so thirsty."

Jennie looked at her and smiled, "Ok." Entering the café, they chose a table at the back. Jennie ordered a chicken sandwich and apple pie. Irene frowned. They just had their lunch two hours ago. Irene grinned.

"What?" Jennie said.

"Oh nothing."

"Do you want some cake? They looked delicious."

"God, no."Irene said, quickly "This is fine, Jennie." Jennie looked doubtful.

"Are you sure?"

"My stomach will explode if I eat again." Irene replied, lifting her cup of coffee in salute.

Jennie laughed, "I know you are really strict on your diet. Look at me. I have already liked a sack of potatoes." Then, she laughed again, looking at her body. Irene looked at her blankly, and then grinned.

"Don't tell me you are a happy mother-to-be now." Jennie blushed prettily.

"I don't know, Irene. I have such an odd feeling lately. Sometimes I'm so frustrated, but sometimes my mood is mild. My mother said it might be because of my unstable hormones during this pregnancy."

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