Chapter 31

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*****BIG FIGHT IS ON THE WAY****** 🤪😂

July had come. It was time for Jisoo to take Yohan away from his mother's house. He kept his promised and took Yohan with him. By night time, Jisoo took Yohan with him, while Jennie was staring blankly at his BMW as it disappeared from her sight with Yohan inside. This was the first time she didn't cuddle him until he slept at night. This was the first night she wouldn't whisper 'Goodnight' in her son's ear before she goes to sleep. Her eyes were shimmering with tears. Can she bear to be separated  with Yohan in the future? Her heart twisted in pain again.

She made a decision and thought that was the best one. She would leave him and his father someday so better they had a separate live sooner. When the time comes, it wouldn't be difficult to say goodbye to both of them. Would it be like that? She shook her head weakly as she wasn't sure, either.

However, early in the morning, Jisoo came again, with their son. His face was terrible, his hair was messy and his eyes were swollen as if he didn't sleep for a month. Before she could asked him, he had said to her with a weak grin, "I'm sorry, Jen. He was crying all night and I couldn't sleep even for a minute. He misses you. Can I leave him here while I'm working? I promised to take him back after work."

Jennie nodded without arguing. She missed him, too. She couldn't sleep either last night thinking of how Jisoo would handle their son.

"Thank you. I will be back tonight." With those parting words, he went off to his office.

Jennie had started her school again. She swore under her breath to finish her last semester with flying colors after being left one-year behind by her classmates. Compiling for her last project, she started to work at the same time. She was really busy and couldn't manage her time. She couldn't study well too, as Jisoo and Yohan came to her house every weekday night except on the weekend.

During office hour, Jisoo would always drop Yohan to his parent's house before he went to his office. After he finished his work, he would pick up Yohan and they will go to Jennie's house. When she asked Jisoo whether he was tired to pick up Yohan from his mother's house first and then, went to hers, he only grinned, "its ok. My parent's house is only 10 minutes away from my office. It's not wasting time, at all. Look, he always grins whenever he sees you. I can't disappoint him."

Jennie turned her head to the other direction, pretending to be busy to find Yohan's toy. Her eyes were glistening with tears. If Jisoo continued to bring their son almost every day then it would be difficult for her to let them go. What was the point of forcing Jisoo to take away their son if he took him back to her house almost every night? Her study would be finished in December. If she was lucky to pass her last two subjects then she would have to present her thesis on January. After that, she would fly to Australia to keep her promise to Kai.

"Jisoo-yah, why do you have to bring him to see me every day? He will be depending on me and it will be hard for us to say goodbye next year." She said with a soft voice.

He didn't answer. Silence was accompanying them for a moment.
After a few minutes, Jisoo cleared his throat as he choked himself with his own breath, "Don't talk about next year. It's still a long time to go. What I care is the present. He wants to see his mother and I should bring him to her. Am I wrong?" He said in a husky voice.

Jennie stared at him and saw his dark brown eyes, which were misty. He must have been hurt again, but whose fault was that? She had been hurt, too. Did he know about her bleeding heart? She asked in silence. She had never asked him about Soojoo and he had never talked about her either. The two of them seemed to avoid the topic regarding to Soojoo. She sighed deeply and continued to play with their son.

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