Chapter 41

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"Appa!" A loud scream of a little boy wearing orange shirt and jeans jolted Jisoo from his discussion with Soojoo.

He grinned at the two important people in his life standing on the doorway. He got up from his chair to catch his son who was running into his embrace.

"Hello Yohannie." He pulled him off into the air and Yohan screamed in delight.
Meanwhile Soojoo stared at them, narrowing her eyes. She rolled her eyes to meet Jennie standing happily on the doorway. What was she doing here? Her mind asked in puzzled. However, avoiding Jisoo's gaze she forced her smile on her face.

"Hello Jen." Jisoo kissed her cheek while holding Yohan in his arms "Thanks for coming."

Jennie smiled gracefully. She followed him to the sofa. She looked around and felt comfortable in his office room. This was the first time she stepped into his office. Her eyes spotted Soojoo sitting on the chair in front of Jisoo's desk, "Hello Soojoo." She said, trying hard to keep her smile.

"Hello Jennie. How are you? I heard you came back to Seoul a few weeks ago."

"Oh, I'm fine. Thank you."

A silence was accompanying them for a moment. Jisoo cleared his throat and said casually, "Soojoo, please show Jennie around and our clients files. As I told you before, maybe we can proceed on transferring my shares under her name if she agrees to take over my position." He stopped, and then, leant to Jennie, "You will agree, won't you, Jen?" He whispered.

Jennie shrugged her shoulders, giving him a teasing smile.

He groaned playfully. Then, he moved closer, whispering some words in her ear. Jennie burst out in laughter hearing his cracking jokes.

Soojoo's face turned red, watching Jisoo's gestures towards Jennie. He whispered, teased, joked and stole a peck on Jennie's cheek in front of her eyes. It bugged her. She sighed deeply as she pressed down on her emotion. Jisoo must have been cracking some jokes again, because Jennie kept creasing up with laughter. He had never done it with her before. She felt her eyes getting hot suddenly. She could see that Jisoo was eyeing Jennie up and down and totally forgot that she was in the same room. She was fuming when Jennie trailed her fingers across his face lovingly and then, she heard Jisoo called Jennie sweetheart. How disgusting! Soojoo said to herself.

She stared at Jennie fiercely behind her back. If looks could kill, the look of Soojoo shot Jennie dead instantly. However, Soojoo was calm and hid her anger behind her sly smile. For her, losing Jisoo to an ordinary girl like Jennie was the ultimate insult. It had been enough pressure on Soojoo, as she wanted to have him back in her arms. She had been under emotional strain for some months until now. When she heard Jennie was leaving Jisoo behind to Sydney, her heart was screaming in joy. Who would have guessed that she would come back again? She had to carry on with her plans. It might be her last chance to separate both of them.

"Ok. You can go with Soojoo. I will stay here with Yohannie. Jennie can help both of you, too. See you at lunch time, Jen."

Jennie nodded and followed Soojoo to her office room. She sighed deeply behind Soojoo's back. Soojoo looked radiantly lovely in a chic red suit. Her bright red color suit looked contrast with her creamy skin. How couldn't she be jealous if Jisoo was working together with this striking woman?

Soojoo walked into her office room without waiting for Jennie. She sat down on her chair arrogantly and stared at Jennie. Her eyes narrowed for a second in jealousy when she looked at the engagement ring on Jennie's finger. She sighed deeply. It should have been her wearing that lovely diamond ring. She said to herself. Her eyes moved to see Jennie's face while her dyed hair was swinging in a shiny movement.

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