Chapter 18

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***This is one of my favorite chapter. Prepare your tissue 🥺***

After spending four days of recovery, Jennie finally had been released from the hospital. She had prepared her things and was ready to go with her mother when Jisoo came into the room, "Good morning, Mrs. Kim." He greeted, politely. Her mother smiled back at him, "Hello, Jen." He moved closer to Jennie, trying to give her a light kiss on her cheek. Jennie turned her head away immediately, pretending to be busy with her belongings. Jisoo frowned but didn't say anything as if he understood his wife's attitude towards him, 'What is he doing?! Kissing me every time he visits! I have to stop him otherwise it would become his habit!' She scolded him silently, without looking at him.

"Are you ready, Jen?" He asked, casually. Jennie nodded, still avoiding his gaze, "Jisoo-ah, are you not working today?" Jennie's mother asked him, looking at his casual clothes. Wearing beige wool t-shirt covered his neck tightly, a pair of black leather trousers and matched it with same color of leather jacket, Jisoo looked relax.

"No. I'm taking the day off. Today, I have to welcome my son into his new home. I want to be with him in this special moment." He then grinned widely. His innocent face was shining with happiness.

Jennie peeked at his expression on his face. He was so happy as if he had won a prestigious award. Jisoo had been visiting her and their baby three times a day, firstly in the morning, during his lunchtime and after he finished his work. He was so excited as she could see from his proud face. She groaned inside. During the four days in the hospital, she had been thinking deeply about their relationship. She knew she had to decide between Kai and Jisoo. It wasn't fair for both of them if she didn't make up her mind. Sometimes she imagined if she chose Jisoo but then she frowned. How could she trust her life to Jisoo? He even never said that he loved her, but Kai DID! She finally found out that he was two-timing her with his former girlfriend. Thank god that she knew it;otherwise, she would still be flying in the cloud nine because of his sweet talks. Jisoo cared for her only for the sake of his baby. She should have known that since the beginning. How stupid was she for not aware of his sweetness towards her! Her mind scolded her several times for her carelessness.

After struggling with her heart, she had decided that Kai was the love of her life. Maybe, her feeling for Jisoo was only a crush. He was a playboy. He knew for sure how to play with woman's feelings. Her mother was right. Jisoo wasn't an ordinary man. She felt all kind of emotions that she had never experienced before to anyone, anger, hate, disappointed, upset, worried, disgust, happy He had never failed to wake her up from her peaceful life. He was so different from Kai. Kai had never let her down or made her upset. She felt peace and secured with Kai. His indeed loved her; was being loyal to her and had been waiting for her patiently. She couldn't disappoint him again. She promised him after the baby was born that she would go back to being his, 'Coward!' That was what her heart said to her, 'Yes, I'm a coward! I prefer to have a peaceful and secured life with the man that loved me rather than a man who flirts and sleep around with other women.' She told herself.

However, the baby was another problem. She had to admit that he was a lovely handsome boy. Four days holding him wasn't enough. She remembered last night when she was feeding him. Her baby was very hungry. She could see from his face, but he drank his milk slowly and gently as if he didn't want to hurt his mother's nipple. Jennie inhaled a big amount of breathe. Tears were glistening in her eyes. He was so small, so young, yet tried hard to make his mother loved him. He might have an instinct that his mother would leave him someday. He tried hard to gain her love. Just liked his father, her baby had showed himself that he had never given up. She looked at him lovingly, scrutinizing his tiny lovely face.

He had fallen asleep again. She put him beside her carefully. She didn't want to put him in his cradle. She wanted to spend the last night with him, as tomorrow they would say goodbye. She would give him to Jisoo, and then they would never meet again. Would he remember her as his mother someday? Would he love her as his mother? Would they meet again, since she had move to Australia? She blinked her eyes several times, fighting back the tears. Her heart twisted in pain. Why was it so hard to let him go? First,Jisoo.Then now, her baby.

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