Chapter 39

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It was almost midnight when Jennie woke up. She opened her sleepy eyes slowly, blinking several times before she realized she was in Jisoo's apartment. She glanced at the person who was sleeping peacefully next to her on the sofa. She smiled. After having a nice warm bath in his spa pool and a glass of hot chocolate, she fell into a deep sleep instantly. She remembered she insisted to wait for him while he took his bath and just lay down on the sofa. She shook her head lightly. So, she must have been sleeping on the sofa but what was he doing here? She asked herself. He supposed to sleep in his own bed instead of sleeping in beside her on the sofa. She scolded him, under her breath.

She took his hand gently, which was surrounding her waist, as she didn't want to wake him up. She stared at his handsome yet innocent face. This was the first time she saw him in his sleep. He breathed slowly and his eyes were closed tightly. He looked like Yohan when he was sleeping. They really shared the same image, she said to herself, while looking at him lovingly. She liked to watch Yohan and knew all his gestures when he was sleeping. Yohan was really the likeness of his father. She smiled again, feeling grateful to have both of them in her life.

Jennie glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 11.45pm. Why didn't anyone from the hospital call them? Had Yohan woken up yet? She wanted to get up and go to the hospital right now. She had taken enough rest. She had to be by Yohan's side, as she wanted to be the first person he saw when he opened his eyes.

She turned her head when she heard Jisoo was moaning. She smiled, waiting for him to open his eyes.

"Why aren't you sleeping, Jen?" He asked sleepily with a hoarse voice, and then, blinked his eyes several times to adjust to the dim light in the living room. He glanced at his watch, "Oh, it's night already."

"Jisoo-ah, I want to go to the hospital. I want to see Yohannie."

Jisoo smiled and took her hand. He nodded and stared at her lovingly, "Ok. I want to see him, too. Go get change and we will go right now."


He looked at her in puzzled. He raised his left eyebrow, "What is it?"

"I don't have clothes. Look, even now I have to wear your pajamas."

He let out a little laugh, "But you look good in my pajamas."

She slammed her fists against his shoulders. She pouted playfully, "It's not the time to joke. You are evil. You put my only clothes in the washing machine. So, what should I wear?"

He tweaked her nose and said in a teasing tone, "Have you ever heard that somebody had invented a machine called dryer?" A teasing grin tilted across his lips.

Jennie's cheeks reddened. She laughed at her silliness, "Sorry. I forgot." Jennie's shoulders were shaking with laughter. She got up and got ready to get her clothes when she heard him asking softly.

"Jen, is it true that you won't leave me and Yohannie again? Or is it only a nice dream?"

She looked at his dark brown eyes which were glittering in uncertainty. She sighed secretly. She couldn't resist his eyes when he looked at her with love and tenderness. She put herself on his lap and whispered in his ear, "I promise you. I'm here for you and Yohannie." She said seriously, then added in a teasing tones, "But in one condition."

"What is it? Tell me." He asked his heart was beating hard. He stared at her seriously, "I don't like living with a smoker and drinker, and I saw you have your bad habits back." She pouted prettily, without taking her eyes off of him.

He blew out his breaths, as he was relief. If she asked him to stop smoking and drinking then he would agree with her right away, "I couldn't control myself when I lost you, Jen and I thought by smoking and drinking I could ease the pain that you left in me, but I was wrong." His voice suddenly sounded sad. His dark brown eyes softened.

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