Chapter 17

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Jennie stirred, opening her eyes only to see that she was surrounded by a strangely bright light. She immediately remembered that she was in the hospital, giving birth to her baby. She grimaced as she tried to move her body. She felt her body aching all over. It took her more than a few seconds to adjust her vision to the newly surroundings. She curiously looked around her. She was placed in a nice and cozy room. There was a sofa and mini refrigerator at the corner of the room, next to the bathroom door. A table beside her bed had a mini basket of all kind of fruits, a glass of juice and a vase of fresh flowers. There were some magazines and newspapers on the coffee table near the sofa. From outside the window glass she could see that snows were falling. She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already 9 o'clock at night. So, she had been sleeping more than 2 hours already. She moaned tiredly. She spotted a black wool suit hanging on the chair next to her bed, "Um, he was here. Where is he now? I have to scold him for giving me this agony. He also broke his promised to be with me when I give birth." She murmured to herself, half angry. The picture of her newly born baby turned her bad mood into a brightly smile on her pretty face. He was a strong little baby boy, screaming loudly and kicking Dr. Jung when he was taken from her womb as he was being forced to leave his peaceful sleeping place. She chuckled lightly. Had Jisoo seen him yet? What would he say about their baby? Would he be proud of him?

She recalled the moment when Jisoo came into the delivery room and got scolds harshly from her. The vision of Jisoo's face going paled and his worries about her, he didn't dare to fight her back, which made her chuckled lightly. She bit her lower lip, "Sorry, Jisoo. I didn't mean it. I couldn't think clearly as the pain was unbearable. I need a victim to transfer my pain and anger to, and the perfect one was you." She said, and then chuckled again. At the same moment, she pouted again, "But he didn't keep his promised. Jisoo definitely had to get his lesson for his lateness." Speaking of the baby, Jennie knew that she had to follow her decision. She couldn't love him, as Jisoo would take him away soon. They would have separated lives. Before getting a broken heart, she had to protect her heart from loving her baby. God knew how she was crazy about children but this wasn't an easy case. What would she do when the time comes to leave him behind in Seoul? Her future would be in Australia with her fiancé, Kai.'Don't worry, Jennie. You would have other children with Oppa.' Her mind told her.

Sighing, she knew that she had to strengthen her heart not to love her newly born baby. Could she do that? First time she saw him when the doctor showed him to her; she felt her heart had fallen for him instantly. He was still a baby but she knew that he would be grown up into an extraordinary boy. She just knew that. She shook her head several times as she felt dizzy again. She thought her problems would be over by the time she gave birth. She would go back to the old Kim Jennie without her misery past. However, how come she felt that her problems and depression would be deeper? 'NO string attached, Jennie-ah.' That's what her mind always told her. She took a glass of juice as she felt her throat going dry.

The mobile phone on the table rang. It was Jisoo's mobile phone. He forgot to bring it with him. She ignored it and continued to sip her drink. However, it was still ringing to annoy her. She looked around and he was nowhere to be found, "Where is Jisoo?" She said to herself. She glanced again at the ringing mobile. It could be important, as the caller didn't stop ringing. She took the mobile and pressed the button, "Hello?" Jennie answered with a husky voice. There was no sound from the other line, "Hello?" She said again, starting to get impatient.

"Is Kim Jisoo there?" Jennie swallowed her drink hardly. There was a voice of a woman from the other line who sounded very arrogant.

"Who are you?!" She snapped back at her. She didn't know why but a weird feeling crept into her heart.

"I'm Soojoo. Hong Soojoo. Jisoo Oppa supposed to have dinner at my place tonight but until now he hasn't come yet. So, I'm just wondering what makes his delay. Could you please tell him that I'm waiting for him at my house now? Or would it be possible if he calls me back? I'm so worried about him." Soojoo talked nicely when she guessed that Jisoo's secret girlfriend was taking her phone call.

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