Chapter 10

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Three months had passed. had been legally married to Jisoo. She always gave him a cold gesture every time he visited her, but Jisoo didn't take any action to protest. He swallowed all her angered without retorted back. He just tried his best to win his stubborn, cold, bad-tempered wife's heart. He kept visiting her three times a week as their agreement and fulfilling all his duties to take care of her, although Jennie often gave him a deadly glared and treated him badly. Several times, he brought her flowers, foods or books for Jennie, but all of them ended up in the rubbish bin in front of his face. Jisoo watched it in a mixed emotion that he couldn't describe yet, tried hard to hide it from her. He didn't let his emotion out, as he knew Jennie was just doing that purposely to challenge his patient. He kept sending her those things even though he knew he would be disappointed at the end.

On the contrary, Jennie groaned in despair secretly most of the time thinking how nice he was treating her. She kept telling herself to be strong as she was afraid she would fall into his sweetness. She often watched him secretly, joking with her little sister or talking lightly with her parents. He had a good sense of humor, her mind told her. However, in front of her, Jisoo would be so serious, losing all his mischievousness as he was afraid his snappish wife would scold him. Her family had welcomed him with opened heart, finally. After all, they thought he deserved to have a second chance, but they didn't talk about him in front of Jennie as she always raised her bad tempered to hear them saying his name.

Jennie's mother remembered the unforgettable moment when Jisoo came into their house bringing all kinds of fruits in a big basket. Before she was asking, with his reddened face of shy, Jisoo explained that he heard that pregnant woman had weird craving of things, including an attempted to eat a specific fruit. Since he didn't know what Jennie wanted, he bought all kinds of fruit he saw in the supermarket. Jennie's mother smiled gratefully, but not long after that, she frowned when Jennie threw it away into the rubbish bin in front of Jisoo. She knew her daughter did it on purpose. Jennie just wanted to let her anger, frustration and emotion on him. She could see his face whiten. For her surprise, Jisoo didn't say anything, just smiled bitterly.

The next two days, he came again, and brought many kinds of delicious mini cakes from the best bakery in town. Once again, they ended up in the rubbish bin. Jennie's mother shook her head secretly to see this couple testing their emotion into each other. During the time, Jennie observed him in agony. What the hell was the matter with him? Why he didn't fight back? Now she knew that the reality was even worse. Without realizing, she was falling for him gradually. Her heart was weakening to his sweetness, his innocent and sincere heart. She felt terrified. However, her mind reminded her heart to be strong. There was a time when Jisoo came; her parents and Chaeyoung went for a party. It was only her at home, alone. She felt weird to be with him alone, but she didn't have a heart to send him off. He looked tired, since he came from the office. His shirt was wrinkled. His hair was a little bit messed up, but she had to admit he hadn't lost his charms. At the end, they ended up watching TV all night without talking to each other.

Jennie swore that she didn't even notice what she saw on the TV program that night. Her mind was busy understanding the feeling of mixed emotions struggling inside of her heart. How she longed to find out what he had been feeling and thinking of. She heard him sighing several times silently as they sat on the couch next to each other. When she peeked at him, she saw him staring at TV screen blankly. His eyes were misty. His mind was wandering somewhere.

As for Kai, her fiancé had accepted whatever her decision when she told him about the baby. Even his heart broke for the second time knowing that his beloved fiancé was pregnant with another man's child, he still promised to stay faithful to her, wait for her. After giving birth to her baby, giving it to Jisoo, Jennie would continue to work and finish her study before they got married in Australia. That was her plan.

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