Chapter 33

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The Kim mansion had been decorated with bright multicolor, balloons and other ornaments of children birthday party. A marvelous buffet of Western and Korean food was place on the long tables near the swimming pool. The weather was a little bit cold as it was winter already but it didn't lessen the lovely atmosphere of the jungle theme party. The heat from the heaters all over the place had given a warm ambiance.

Jisoo had been scanning the main room and looking back at the main door for the hundredth times already. Where is Jennie? Would she come? She had to come. His heart refused to think that she wouldn't come. Tonight would be their special night. Instead of Yohan's birthday, he planned to propose to Jennie to be his REAL wife. He had prepared every detail, as he didn't want to fail. Tonight was his last chance. She would have her last exam on January 5th and if she passed (He knew she would pass), she would leave him and their son ten days after that. He had to make a move before she continued her original plan. He had to be success. He was willing to say 'Yes' to do anything as long as he could get her to agree marrying him, to be by his side forever. God knew how much he loved and adored her. Tonight was his dead or live situation. Now or never. He was nervous. He felt cold sweat forming on his body.

Their romance was sizzling up and down. Jisoo had no doubts about his feelings for her, but how about her? He was hopelessly in love with her at the moment and might be for the rest of his life, but she still loved the other man. That made his relationship with her volatile. That was what his mind told him. Cold sweat was forming on his forehead although the night was cold. He put his right hand inside his suits pocket again, to make sure that the blue box of his engagement ring was still there. He took a deep breath to release his nerves. Where is she? He wanted to pick her up but she refused. She preferred to come with her family, her parents and Chaeyoung. She said she didn't want to have any attention from the other guests. He couldn't force her as he was afraid they would get into another fight. He pulled out his handkerchief to wipe his sweat on his forehead, "Damn! The heater was turned on a high position!" He grumbled.

"Hi Jisoo Oppa." The soft voice made him turn his head. He smiled as he saw Soojoo with her elegant off-shoulder gold-black gown smiling at him. She gave him a glass of champagne while holding another glass for herself.


"Congratulations." She raised her glass.

"Thank you." Jisoo raised his glass too, to thank her, but he turned his head again, looking at the front gate.

Soojoo smiled, knowing what he had been waiting for. She had been watching him since half an hour ago. She asked him casually, "Is Jennie coming?"

"Yes, she is. I'm waiting for her." He answered, without taking his eyes off the gate.

Soojoo looked at his face in despair. She had to make her next move. Looking at Jisoo's mother face when she talked to her about Jennie five minutes ago, she knew that Mrs. Kim hated Jennie so much. She had to take advantage of their bad relationship.

"There she is." Jisoo said suddenly in delight, taking her back from her dream. He put his glass down on the table and waved his right hand to signal Jennie where he was. He dashed to the front gate, leaving Soojoo behind.

Jennie let out a little laugh, looking at an excited Jisoo waving his hand at her and her family. She could tell from his intense eyes that he was stunned because of her appearance. She looked different tonight. Wearing a simple white and royal blue dress, she looked just like an angel. Gorgeous Kim Jennie  simply glowed in a stunning gown that hugged her perfectly. Thanks to Jisoo who chose it for her. She only had a light make-up on and it made her more stunning.

"Here comes the prince." Chaeyoung sang the old song in her sister's ear, teasing her.

Jennie blushed and glared at her, "Chaeyoung, be quiet please."

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