Chapter 20

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Jisoo fulfilled his promise. He brought his interior designer to redecorate Jennie's room too, instead of Baby Yohan's room. He put a baby cot polishing in light blue color liked the bright sky next to her bed. Her bedroom wall was covered by nice light blue and white wallpaper with its lovely cute pictures of Mickey Mouse and his friends.

At the beginning, Jennie showed her disapproval but after that she loved it. Jisoo had a good taste, she thought in admiration. Now, her room was liked a child room. She didn't know how Jisoo decorated Baby Yohan's room in his apartment. She had never asked him and he had never told her either. Since she had already agreed to nurse him, Baby Yohan stayed with her. Sometimes, she regretted her decision but it was too late. She and Jisoo had an agreement about their baby. At that time, she actually wanted to hurt him, to show him that she was still a cold-hearted woman in order to make him hate her at the end so he would take his baby away, leaving her alone. After that, she could start to forget both of them and go back to her original plan. However, a vision of Soojoo taking care of her son together with Jisoo made her change her mind completely. She couldn't bear to see Baby Yohan in another woman's hand. What if Soojoo treated him badly? What if Soojoo didn't love him? He was just a little cute innocent baby. Jennie shivered. She had to take care of her son by herself and she found the best way to hurt Jisoo without losing her pride which was made him pay her to nurse their son. She had won again, as she saw his painful look every time he handed her a check. However, her heart screamed out in pain, too. When her mind asked her how she would forget her son if she kept him in her embrace every day and every night, she had made a promised that after her school started again, then Jisoo should take him away. Since she had nothing to do until a new semester began, she decided to enjoy her time being with her son. Almost all the time she could hardly take her eyes off from his cute face.

On the other side, thinking about their baby made Jisoo frustrated. The birth of a new baby should be a time of a great joy and serenity, but it could turn startling if the mother is Jennie. He sighed. Jisoo had visited her almost every day now instead of three times a week as their marriage agreement. With pleading eyes, he said that he couldn't stop himself to visit his baby. Jennie guessed that he just made it up. However, looking at his serious face, she didn't have a heart to stop him from seeing his son. After all, he was the father and she wanted a deep love growing between Baby Yohan and him. If the time comes then it would be easy for Jisoo to take over their son.

Jisoo didn't say anything or ask about the money. He kept giving her money every month as their agreement. He just wondered what she bought to spend the big money every month. He looked around her room curiously when he visited his son, looking at her new things. He frowned. She didn't buy any new dress. She didn't buy any shoes and of course she didn't spend any money to buy their baby's needs as Jisoo had provided all. He was being more questioning as he heard from Rosie that Jennie was trying to find a job.

One day, he was sitting in her study chair, waiting for Jennie to finish bathing Baby Yohan. He spotted her bank statement on the table. He was so curious to see its contents. Looking around for a second, he opened the folded paper from its enveloped and looked at the last page. To his surprised, Jennie didn't have much money in her account, 'Where did all the money go?' He frowned. He couldn't find an answer even though his brilliant brain had worked hard to think about it. Thinking for a minute, he got a reasonable answer. She had NEVER cashed in his checks. That was what his brilliant brain told him. He smiled secretly. So, she only pretended to ask money from him but in fact she had never wanted to be paid. He shook his head then chuckled lightly. Jennie could act weird beyond his imagination that he needed more than a few years to know her better.

After he got home that night, he immediately turned on his computer to log into his bank account via Citibank Internet banking. He just wanted to prove to himself that his theory was correct. Jennie might never clearance his checks so the money was still in his account. Grinning, his eyes were analyzing the activity of his bank account. He was shocked. She DID take his money every month. It was clear that his account had been deducted $ 100,000 per month. He put his hand to support his head. He could never understand her. Where did the money go?

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