Chapter 22

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Jennie sat down on her study chair and stared blankly outside her window. Soft music swirled around her and she felt relaxed. She glanced at her son in his crib and smiled. 'Yohan likes music.' She said to herself. He would stop crying whenever he heard the music. She read from the baby's guidebook that hearing the soft music from Beethoven and other genius composers could make a baby's intelligence improve. At first, she bought a CD but when she told Jisoo about it, he bought all the CD that was available in the music store. She shook her head slightly. Jisoo had made her room so perfect. Anything she and Yohan needed was there. She admitted to herself that he was indeed thoughtful and a wonderful father to Yohan, he had never failed to surprise her with his actions and sometimes, make her speechless.

Kim Jisoo might be very busy with his work but his baby Yohan was more interesting for him. Although he has a busy schedule in work, he always made sure that he did his share of taking care of him. Her relationship with Jisoo had improved lately. They could chat as good friends now. Of course, most of their topics are about their son, Yohan.

However, the incident just this afternoon had made her depressed. She was feeling very blue and less confident. This depression could be a serious thing as it could change her mood dramatically. He was still dating Hong Soojoo behind her back.

'Although he visited us every weekdays, they could still meet during the office hours.'  Jennie said to herself in frustration. Her heart thumped.

That was the second time she had caught him with Soojoo. First was when he was supposed to have dinner with Soojoo on the day she gave birth and today's lunch was the second.

"How could you, Kim Jisoo?" She muttered to herself. A blinding light coming from the front of a car in front of her house made her snap out of her thoughts. She looked outside the window. 'He's coming.' Her mind told her.

Jennie took a deep breath, straightened her back, and closed her eyes, gathering her strength and composure to face him. The vision of him and Hong Soojoo having a romantic lunch made her blood boil. She tried to forget it since she came back home but she failed. She felt her heart plunge to the bottom of her very soul every time she remembered how perfect Jisoo and Soojoo were together, and he still had the nerve to come into her house again, after she had caught him with Soojoo. He was a cheater. She should have known better. Men like Jisoo, having everything that he wanted and being born with a silver spoon, had never appreciated what he had. He could walk off if he wanted to especially if he is bored of his girls already.

Jennie shot herself a look of pity and smiled. "You will leave soon, Jennie." She said, trying to keep the vulnerability she suddenly felt from her voice. She swallowed the fear that was creeping up her throat when she heard footsteps coming. 'He's here,' her heart told her.

Stepping into her room, Jisoo saw Jennie who was pretending to be busy with her books. Her back was facing him as she sat on her study chair. He smiled and shook his head lightly.

"Hi, Jen." He stepped closer and tried to kiss her on the cheek.

Jennie turned her head away, avoiding his kiss so his kiss landed on her hair.

Jisoo was stunned. In the last few days, Jennie didn't protest if he kissed her lightly on her cheeks. However, he didn't say anything and walked to the crib where the grinning Yohan was kicking the air with his tiny legs. He shrieked in delight when he saw a familiar face, his father.

"Hello, Yohannie. What are you doing?" Jisoo chuckled, and pulled him into his embrace. He kissed Yohan's cheek and brought him to Jennie's bed. Laying him there, he tickled him and Yohan shrieked again but more loudly.

"Put him back." Jennie said shortly, in a cold tone. She stared at him.

Jisoo frowned, not looking up at Jennie, "Why should I?"

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