Chapter 45

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Dearest my Jisoo Oppa,

I just want you to know that our passionate nights in China were really a precious time in my life. One week seemed like a whole time of happiness. I understand why you marry Jennie. You will do anything for Yohan like all fathers in the world will do for the best of their child. I wish you all the happiness. I know you feel the same way I do but your life is trapped with your beloved son's mother. I don't mind if we have a relationship outside the wedlock.
I love you.

I'm always here whenever you need me.


Jennie felt her eyes getting hot suddenly. She felt numb as she read the message on the card over and over again. Suddenly, she felt the sky had fallen. Tears sprang from her eyes. China? Did she write China? It meant that two weeks before they got married, she thought. He went to China to finish his last project. She just realized now that Soojoo went with him. She inhaled a big sigh to press down her emotion but couldn't stop shuddering. She felt the big pain in her heart. The pain in her heart this time was unbearable. She had promised herself to forget his past, however, he had a heart to betray her in two weeks before their wedding day, 'Why, Jisoo Oppa?! Why?!' Her heart screamed in despair.


The bathroom door opened in a sudden. He said cheerfully, "Now it's your turn. The bathroom is yours, Jen."

She turned her red eyes to look at him. He was definitely handsome. He was wearing a white toweling dressing gown. His hair damped from the shower. Her heart was beating weakly. It was the end. Her mind told her. Her big eyes watched his bodylines. He was irresistible with his charms. She sighed and lowered her head, hiding her tears.

"Jennie, are you ok?" Jisoo asked, as he saw her white pale face. He moved closer to her. She didn't answer, as she couldn't open her mouth. She was too hurt to even look at him.

Jisoo quickly sat by her side on the bed, "Are you ok, Jen?" He asked again, in concern.

"What's that?" He asked, as he saw Jennie was staring blankly at the card in her hand.

"It's for you. It was in your luggage." She said, coldly. Her eyes refused to look at him. He took and read it instantly. His eyes widened in shock while his heart was beating faster. He glanced at Jennie several times in fear before he finished reading it.

"Its rubbish, Jen! You don't believe it, do you?" His eyes stared at her pleadingly.

Jennie got up after pressing down her emotion. She couldn't drop a tear in front of him anymore.

"Don't give me your pleading look, Jisoo-ah. It's useless. How could you explain this card when it was IN your luggage? Don't tell me it came by itself. I'm not stupid, Jisoo Oppa! Please don't insult my intelligence." She said, almost in a scream.

"Jennie, please believe me. I don't know how this card was put in my luggage, but nothing happened between Soojoo and I in China. You are thinking too far." He said softly, while his eyes were staring at her in distress.

"So, you mean that it's only my imagination? So this card." She pointed at the card with her fury eyes, "Is only my imagination?"

His face turned white in a sudden, "Its Soojoo's imagination." He said, firmly. He tore the card into small pieces and it fell onto the floor just liked snow falling from the sky, "Trust me, I have never betrayed you." He spoke gently, trying to calm down her anger.

Jennie turned her eyes to another direction, avoiding his gaze. Her emotion was ready to explode. Suddenly, she remembered her conversation with Soojoo the other day when she told her about their passionate nights in Jisoo's bed.

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