Chapter 23

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"Jis, How's this new father going?" Lisa chatted cheerfully, opening the door for his best friend.

"More than you expect." Jisoo said, and grinned widely. He walked into Lisa's cozy apartment and sat himself on a high chair in front of Lisa's mini bar.

Lisa followed him from behind after closing the door, "More than I expect, huh? What does it mean? I remembered last year when you barked in here, you were deeply trouble, my friend."

He saw Jisoo grinned again. He stood in front of him, behind the mini bar table, "What do you want to drink?" He took a glass and waited for his best friend to choose his drink,

"Something light, please."

Lisa stared at him and laughed, "What is it, Jis? Did you stop drinking?"

"Yes and stop smoking too, if you need to know." He said, irritated with his friends laugh.

Lisa laughed louder. He took the light beer and poured it into two glasses, "You have changed, buddy. You are not the real Kim Jisoo. I haven't met you in the pubs for a long time. Our friends were asking me about you. You just disappeared since the incident last year. Look at yourself now. Man, you are losing your charms to flirt with girls. You looked like an old boring business man." Lisa couldn't help his laughter, studying his best friends face and his appearance.

Jisoo stared at him in annoyance, "Could you stop laughing at me?"

Lisa tried hard to stop his laugh, looking at his irritated face, "I'm sorry, but your short temper hadn't changed. I heard that your girl had a bad temper, too. How could both of you hold each other?"

Jisoo sighed, "Go straight to the main point. What are you going to tell me? You sounded so serious on the phone."

He drank his beer, "Oh. Kim Jennie has applied to continue her work. I just need to tell you that the company will employ her back."

Jisoo's face went paled. He got up from his chair. His eyes rolled in despair. Lisa watched his friend in puzzled. Why did Jisoo seem not happy? He was the one who asked him to accept Jennie in the first place to work in his father's company but now he was acting weird. He saw Jisoo be wilderedly as he was pacing back & forth in front of him.

"Lisa, you have to help me this time." Jisoo finally said after thinking for a while. He saw Lisa knitting his eyebrows, as he didn't understand.

"Don't accept her."

Lisa's eyebrows rose. He stared at him in a question look, "But why? She has the capabilities that company needs."

"I have my own reason. You have to listen to me." Jisoo halted mid-sentence, gasping for his breathe, "If she could have her requirements for her last thesis, which is have to work for your father's company, done in six months and finished her last two subjects in the next semester, then it means that she will finish her study at the end of this year. It means that." He turned his pale face to Lisa who was still staring at him, "She will leave me at the end of this year. I can't let her. I can't. Lisa, you have to help me. Give me a chance to buy time to win her heart. Please, Lisa." Jisoo said, pleadingly.

Sighing, Lisa looked at him. He shook his head slightly. He finally understood what Jisoo was trying to do. He wanted to delay her graduation, "Jis, but it's not fair for her."

"I don't care. My son's life is more important than her degree, her career." He said, emotionally.

"and my life, too." He added the last word weakly. He lifted his face, looking at Lisa's eyes, "She will leave me and Yohan to start her new life with her fiancé in Australia. She will marry him, Lisa. I will lose her forever." He put himself on the sofa and buried his head under his hands.

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