Chapter 14

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They were driving around the city in his black Mercedes Benz S500 on the Christmas' Eve. Snows had fallen. It was beautiful to see the city covered in white. Jennie glanced to her left side. The shopping malls at East District were dressed in bright colors, especially red and green. A big Christmas tree with its wonderful lights and ornaments was standing in the center with snows covering its branches.

The view was amazing, full of colors. People were walking around with big shopping bags on their hands. Everyone was in a high spirit to welcome Christmas and New Year. Jennie watched a man dressed in a brown long coat running with shopping bags in his hand. He must forget to buy Christmas presents on the last minute. She grinned slightly. She had done her Christmas shopping. She went with Irene last week and they went home with a numerous of big shopping bags. Oh, God, she remembered something. She had to post a Christmas present for Kai tomorrow morning. How could she be so forgetful? Kai would be yelping in joy when he opened it. She bought a navy sweatshirt along with shawl to match it. Even it was summer in Australia now but he could keep it until winter comes in June. She could imagine that Kai would be looking good with those. She grinned again.

Jisoo watched her expression secretly. Jennie kept smiling to herself several times today since they were out. What was she thinking of? He was willing to pay whatever it cost to know what makes her smile. He was dying to see her lovely smile again. He had scolded himself several times for making their relationship worse than before. He tried to ask for her forgiveness but she kept her cold gestures all the time. He groaned in despair secretly. He tightened his gripped on the wheeling steer, as he couldn't concentrate on the road, "Jennie." He called her softly, almost a whispered.

Jennie turned her head to face him. Her big eyes stared at him, asking him mindlessly, "Do you want to stop for shopping?" Her eyes widened.

"Are you crazy?! Do you want the media to catch us liked before?!" She snapped at him. She gave him a fierce looked then turned her head away.

Jisoo's face reddened. He closed his mouth but mumbled weakly, "Sorry."

Without looking back at him, she groaned inwardly. What had she done? Why she always snapped at him? She asked herself desperately. Her heart was tormented looking at his pain expression on his face, but she didn't have any choice to deal with him. They kept silent. No words were spoken.

Jisoo drove along without saying anything. He couldn't find a way to make their relationship better; at least they could talk as friends. This silence had made him frustrated and drove him nuts. When they passed the Church, Jennie said in a sudden, "Stop.Stop." Jisoo stopped the car after giving a signed. He gazed on her face searchingly but didn't dare to ask.

"I want to go to the church for a while. You can stay here." She said, while unbuckling her seatbelt.

"I will come with you." He answered, quickly.

Jennie was in her last month to give birth. She couldn't walk steadily as if she was carrying a drum. Jisoo quickly got out from the car before his short-tempered wife protested. He took out the winter coat from the back seat for her, as he was afraid that Jennie couldn't stand the coldness. By the time he closed the car door; she had already disappeared from his sight. He walked quickly to the church following his wife.

Jennie sat down at the second rows from the back. She looked around and felt a mixed of emotion inside her heart. The church was wonderful with its great Christmas ornaments. Candle-lights flickering all over the church, giving it the beautiful color and feeling of peace. There was a mockup of baby Jesus on the corner along with mother Mary, his father Joseph and the three kings from the East. A beautiful angel was flying over the cave. She knelt down and began to make a holy cross. Before praying, she could feel that Jisoo had made himself sit beside her. They sat next to each other silently without any words spoken. Between her prayers to God, she could hear children's choir singing lovely Christmas songs. They were preparing their performance for Christmas mass tonight. She smiled peacefully. The song was so beautiful.

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