Chapter 13

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It was already December. Snow had threatened to fall soon. Jennie stood by her window looking outside. She pressed her right hand to her big stomach and caressed it gently. She sighed. She still remembered the big fight she had with Jisoo two months ago. How they turned to start their cold war once again, after that day since she built the wall to protect her heart against him. Jisoo had come several times, trying to make peace with her. However, she had already made up her mind that they were NOT fated. Their meeting was a mistake. She was belonged to Kai, while Jisoo could have any girls he wanted including his former girlfriend; Hong Soojoo. She read from the magazine that they started to date again. Although Jisoo said that they were only business partner, who cared?

She strengthened her heart against his sweetness. She didn't want to fall into the same trap twice. Therefore, she decided to wipe out a warmed feeling that had developed inside her heart for him. In the beginning of next year, they would get a divorced. Then, she would continue her last semester at the university before flying to Sydney to begin a new life with Kai. She sighed again. Would she miss Jisoo and their baby? Sometimes this question haunted her in several endless nights. For that reason, she had to remove him from her heart if she didn't want another broken heart. She believed that she would have a bright future, full of happiness if she made a right decision. That was why Kai always telling her.

She recalled the night when Kai called her. He was too sweet, too perfect for her. She took a big sighed again. How she did feel bad to open her heart for another man. She felt as if she had betrayed his true love.


"Had a good day, Jennie?"

"Yes, thanks. How about you?"

"I took a day off. Jennie, my last project was successful. I got a reward from the company. Maybe next year I will go to Australia National Competition for Architecture design." Kai's voice was cheerful, full of joy even though the international phone call wasn't clear enough. It might be because of the storm this morning.

"Congratulation, Oppa. I'm proud of you." Jennie said, feeling proudly for his achievement. Kai was a talented architect. She knew that he would be a successful man soon.

"Thank you. I wish you were here when I got the reward." Jennie smiled bitterly.

"Don't say that. You are making me feel guilty."

"But it's true. Alright, I don't want to make you upset. How are you these days? Is the coldness really bad in Seoul now?"

"Yes, it is. I can't go anywhere. You know, I'm distressed to be at home and knowing that all stores have a special things, beautiful things for Christmas." She said excitedly, giggling lightly, "But I'm going with Irene tomorrow secretly. I have a list of Christmas presents that I haven't bought yet." Jennie heard Kai chuckled. She laughed a bit.

"Jennie, you haven't changed. Shopping will always be your priority beside your study." Kai laughed at the eagerness in her voice.

"Huh, you know me, don't you? That's my habit that I can't resist. I can take care myself. What's wrong with a pregnant woman to go shopping? Being pregnant doesn't mean I can't go. I take my vitamins daily. I drink my milk every day. I eat all the food he sent for me. I swallow those bitter herbs he brought. I take care of myself, but Jisoo always asked me to stay home, to take care of myself. It's enough, I stayed home for these last few weeks, and..." Jennie stopped mumbling when she didn't hear any response from the other line. She frowned. Did the storm make this line disconnected again? She asked bewilderedly, "Oppa, are you still there?"

THE MARRIAGE (JENSOO)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora