Chapter 7

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Jisoo threw his car key and wallet to his bedside desk in frustration. He pulled out his computer chair and turned on the computer. His fingers resting lightly on his computer desk, his eyes staring at his shadow blankly on the screen as it flashed across the monitor. He massaged his head as he felt being hit by a big rock. He recalled his meeting with Jennie just now. He groaned. He muttered under his breath, hit a key, and the screened went blank again. His bedroom door opened after a light knock before. Jisoo turned his head and saw his mother was standing by the door, "Come in, mom."

Mrs. Kim walked in, watching him tenderly and sighed inward. His color, his mother noticed with a lurch of anxiety, wasn't good. She sat down on his bed, "Where have you been? Almost every day you go outside and come back home with a gloomy face."

Jisoo looked at his computer again, avoiding his mother's gazed, "You went to see HER, am I right?" He turned his head looking at his mother's eyes. He nodded weakly. Mrs. Kim felt her stomach clenched as she watched her beloved son's desperate looked. Jisoo was always being confident, bright and optimistic man but now she could only see him as a hopeless and desperate young man. He looked more than tired. His face was white with tension; his dark brown eyes were drowned of exhaustion. Her heart winched in pain.

She cleared her throat when suddenly she felt hard to speak, "She won't forgive me." It was his short answer before he buried his head in his hands. His mother swallowed her lump hardly. She gathered her strength and emotion. She had to get him out from this misery otherwise he would destroy his own life, and she couldn't let him do it.

"Son, you can't force someone to accept you. You have to respect what she wants. Maybe it's the best way for both of you. Just try to forget her and move on with your life." She said tenderly, hoping desperately that her stubborn son would listen to her this time.

"I can't, mom. Before I get her forgiveness, I can't move on with my life."

"Give her time. Maybe time would heal her wound. After that, you can go back and ask for her forgiveness, but you can't live like that. You are killing yourself slowly." She drew her breathe, 'Forget her.' She thought, but somehow she couldn't bring herself to say it when her son already looked miserable.

Jisoo lifted his head up. He looked at his mother again, desperately, "What should I do?" Jisoo's expression was pleading.

"Go back to America. Finished your study and after that, come back here and see her again. By the time, I'm sure she will forgive you. Trust me, time will heal the wound. Don't force her. Please take my advice."

Jisoo knew his mother was right. There was no use to force her right now. He should give her time. Time to forget the past and he could come back and ask for her forgiveness. However, he was afraid when the time comes, she wouldn't be here anymore, "I think you are right, mom. I should give her time. Time to heal her wounds. I will go back to America, get my degree and I will come back here to see her. I hope by that time she will see me as a different person. I want to be worthy in her eyes. I can't ruin my youth time with dreadful state like this. I have to move on." He muttered.

Mrs. Kim nodded firmly. Her eyes hot, as tears were ready to flow down her cheeks, "That's my Baby." She hugged him tightly and patted his back lovingly.

"Thanks, mom."

"I will tell your father about your decision. He must be pleased. Just prepared your papers, and then you can go as soon as possible." Jisoo nodded weakly, hesitated. His mind was still wandering about Jennie, "I have to see her before I go to America. I can't go without seeing her for the last time. I hope this time she would give me a chance to forgive me." He muttered under his breath.

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