Chapter 29

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Jisoo raked his fingers through his hair for the tenth times already since he called this morning. He buried his head under his hands. How come the situation became worse like this? How could the media catch him with Soojoo that night? He had prepared the details carefully but it seemed the media was more clever than him. He couldn't believe that he fell into their trap again. Where had it gone wrong? How did they know that he visited Soojoo that night?

He stared again, at the magazine in front of him. He shook his head in depression. They took his photograph with Soojoo in a perfect angle, convincing the reader that he really have an affair with Soojoo His face was light and his smile was bright. Did he really smile brightly that night? He sighed again, "I'm doomed this time. I'm definitely dead." He said to himself.

He closed the magazine and threw it away in the rubbish bin. His mind was thinking about Jennie He just called her, trying to explain the exclusive report on the magazines about Soojoo and him. However, to his frustration, Jennie refused to talk to him. She just kept silent on the phone line, letting him talk by himself. She hung up the phone when he asked her whether she was still there or not. He sighed again. Getting Jennie back in his arms would be extremely difficult.

The sound of someone knocking on the door made him lift his face up. He saw Soojoo entering the room, smiling beautifully in this bad morning. The weather was as bad as his feeling, "Jisoo Oppa, I'm sorry for making you in trouble. I didn't expect that press would catch us. How did they know? Maybe they were following you from your apartment." She paused, waiting for Jisoo's reaction but he didn't say a word, "Moreover, I shouldn't ask you to accompany me to buy the wine under the rain. I should have gone by myself. It's my fault that I forgot to buy the wine otherwise the media won't see us." She put her guilty face in front of him.

Jisoo forced a smile as he shook his head, "Never mind. It's not your fault. As you said, without wine dinner means nothing. I thanked you for making delicious dinner. It's a bad day that the media had been around there, but I don't believe it that they stirred up the story and put your words as if they have interviewed you. I want to make a press conference to clear this up. Do you want to appeal of the news, too?"

Soojoo shook her head softly, "What for? It already happened. If you make a press conference then the media will bully you again. You will turn their attention to your private life, making them more curious about your true girlfriend. Your relationship with Jennie will be discover. You told me that Jennie hates the media. If you do that, you will dig your own hole, Jisoo Oppa. Let it be and they will shut up after they don't get any response from you. As for me, I don't care as long as we can still keep our friendship, but I don't regret that night. It was wonderful. You won't forget it too, will you?" She said in a soft tone, her beautiful eyes looking at him tenderly.

He smiled in gratitude, "Thanks. You really understands me." He said quickly, to avoid answering her last question. He turned his head on the file in front of him, as he didn't want to pursue the matter.

'But one thing you are wrong. I regretted that night. I shouldn't have gone to your place.' He said to himself.

She moved closer and put herself on the chair in front of him, "How will you explain it to Jennie?"

He sighed deeply. His face suddenly darkened, "I just called her but she hung up the phone. I don't know what I should do. I need time to think it carefully because it's a sensitive matter. Jennie has a bad temper."

Soojoo hid her triumphant smile. So, Jennie was angry at him. She didn't want to hear any explanation from him. Good. She had to move into her second plan, "Jisoo Oppa, the meeting will start soon in 5 minutes. Why don't you prepare yourself and go to the meeting room. I will follow you after I finish this file." She pointed at the document covered in a red plastic file keeper in her hand.

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