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Milo's P.O.V.

It was a Saturday morning and a majority of the jobs in the township were closed for the weekend.

Usual businessmen and women spent their days at work, out at brunch with their rich friends, and at home as single moms or families of five or more doing more work.

But for a typical summer Saturday, all the adults either were heading to the pool, beach, or out to clubs and their neighborhood clubhouses to play with friends.

All except two people.

A girl and boy who were sixteen years of age.

The girl was 5 foot 10, with long Butterfly Locs and wore a black baggy tshirt tucked in her white cargo pants and on her feet, she wore low-rised Air Jordan's.

And her name was Millie.

The boy, was 6 foot 2. He didn't look his age but around 17 or 18, he wore a black tank top, long black jacket, black and white Nike Pros, and white jeans that hung on his hips for dear life but were sagged. He wore high-rised Air Jordan's and a long 5K gold chain.

His name was Milo.

Millie and Milo were brother and sister.

Together, they worked at Starbucks.

Funny they're here on a Saturday...

"Can't believe I'm wastin my weekend on this stupid machine!"

Milo yelled angrily trying to fix the espresso machine which got clogged again.

Millie was cleaning the kitchen and for the past hour, kept hearing her brother's complaints.

God when will he shut up?!

Millie continued washing the dishes and cups and storing the utensils and straws and snacks in their desired place.

Unlike Milo, Millie was actually pretty chill spending her weekend cleaning Starbucks.

So that's why they're here on a Saturday...

Thats sad.

Not that the shop needed it cause it did, but she really wanted to get out of the house.

And she was also happy that she at least spent her last weekend of summer at Starbucks.

Milo complained and was pessimistic all the time...

Unlike him, Millie usually attempted to be optimistic about whatever bad situation the pair would be in.

Of course Milo is in more trouble than Millie is...


Its his fault we're stuck in here in the first place!

Millie finished up the kitchen and joined her brother and the machines helping to fix them.

As they unclogged the dried espresso beans and ice from the machine carefully, Millie yelled, " Its your fault we're stuck here in the first place!"

Milo wiped the sweat off his forehead yelled, " No shit genius! Just shut up and help me?!"

Millie rolled her eyes continuing to fix the machine.



Locking and closing down Starbucks for the day, Milo said, " Well, we finally done. Whatchu wanna do now Mills?"

Millie replied, " Ion know. I wanna go home and shower,"

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