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Millie's P.O.V

When Milo went to their parents to talk about piano, she was on the phone with one of her friends Katarina.

"I do have a question Mills,"

Millie asked, " What?"

Katarina replied, " Does Milo have a girlfriend? "

Mille said, " No, why you asking?"

"C-Cause I really like him..."

Millie stared at her asked, " What is wrong with you?! Why would you like him?!"

"What?! He's so fine! "

Millie rolled on her back replied, " He's such a playboy! Just quit liking him, its not worth it at all!"

Katarina said, " Well I've liked him for 5 months! I have to do something!"

Millie said, " No! Leave him alone!"

Katarina sighed said, " I knew it was a terrible idea telling you about him..."

"Please tell me you don't talk to him. Which you don't right?"

"Well- a little bit."

Are you KIDDING ME?!

Millie stared at ended the call angrily.


Letting out a yelp, she threw her phone across the room.

"Its not fair its not fair itd not FAIR!"

Punching her pillow, Millie yelled into it letting out her anger.

Everyone wants him!

Why can't they understand he isn't intrested?!

Why's it always Milo anyway?

He's such a playboy!

As she asked more questions her anger quickly turned into jealousy.


Kinda has everything.

He had the successful career and practically the whole country counted and cheered for him.

All the girls love him.

He has great friends.

Even though his teachers are sometimes annoyed by him, they love him too since he always kept either As or As and Bs.


Being my fraternal twin, was practically perfect.

Millie sighed sadly.

Now that he wants to do piano, he's going to leave me again.

It'll go back to the way it was.

He practically lived in the music room since he rarely came out.

He obeyed his parents and kept his grades up.

He was robotic.

And Millie didn't want him to go.

She loves hanging out with Milo all the time.

She enjoys helping him and seeing him be who he really is.

Milo isn't perfect and he never showed that when he was doing piano.

Now that he quit (or probably is unquitting), what if he goes back to that?

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