twenty six

7 0 0

Millie's P.O.V

It was the next morning.

At the table, Bryce was on his phone scrolling through TikTok and Millie ate her cereal.

Elizabeth ate her nutella sandwich and Milo did the same thing.

Finishing her meal, Millie blurted, " I heard you two playing last night."

Elizabeth said, " Sorry if I was to loud..."

Millie replied, " No, it was perfect actually. I fell asleep to it. Bryce did to,"

Bryce asked, " What happened?"

Millie said, " I'm just talkin about Liza's playing baby,"


Milo said, " Its not even 11 and you two are already on top of eachother..."

He got up leaving immediately taking his sandwich with him.

Elizabeth asked, " Is he always like that? "

In unison Millie and Bryce said, " Yes."

Elizabeth said, " Damn. Why is that?"

Millie said, " Cause we're twins."

Bryce said, " And I'm his homeboy."

Elizabeth replied, " Ohhh. Just talk to him about it, he seems to have a issue with you to being overly affectionate in front of him. Possibly thats what getting him uncomfortable not you two being together because of y'all's relationship titles due to your past and present experiences with Milo,"


Millie said, " Nice speech. I'll try that,"

Elizabeth nodded and followed Milo to wherever he went.

Millie watched said, " Those two have gotten pretty close lately..."

Bryce said, " Yeah..."

She asked, " You think they like eachother?"

Bryce nodded said, " Fo sure they will. Maybe they already do and just don't know it. I know Milo will take a minute to like her,"

Millie said, " They did play together at midnight."

Bryce said, " True..."

Millie said, " And Milo rarely stays up that late..."

Bryce nodded and the two started doing the dishes together.

Millie said, " So! Do you have plans today?"

Bryce dried a plate putting it away and dried some more replied, " Not really. But I only planned to hangout with you."

Millie nodded and the two were quiet.

Bryce kept staring at her wondering if she was thinking of the same thing.

What happened last night...

Millie asked, " Whats up?"

Placing her bowl and Milo's cups on the counter and put away the sponge and faced him staring expectantly.

Bryce asked, " What- what happened last night?"

Millie blinked replied, " We made out. Thats what, why did you not want to?"

Bryce shrugged said, " Uhh, it was just unexpected..."

Millie said, " Oh, if you didn't want to you could've said so. It wasn't your first time..."

Bryce said, " Oh. I'm sorry than,"

Putting away the dishes, Millie asked, " Was there something you wanted to ask?"

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