twenty five

5 0 0

Milo's P.O.V

Later in the night, Elizabeth and Milo ended up being the last ones awake.

Settled in the music room together, the two were playing twenty questions over a pizza box.

Rolling the die Elizabeth said, " I got four!"

Milo rolled the die said, " I got six,"

Elizabeth said, " What song is in four four time?"

Milo said, " Uhhh, oh! Moonlight Sonata. "

Elizabeth asked, " Which movement?"

He replied, " First one."

Elizabeth said, " Go play it."

He said, " You play a piece in 6 8 time after me,"


The two sat at the piano and Milo immediately launched into Moonlight Sonata.

As he played Elizabeth just stared at his face.

His eyes...

And to his hands.

He looked so...


His fingers moved onto each note swiftly and quickly as he hit each note with clarity and grace.

His emotions came out in the music.

A mix of joy and...


She was shocked.

She never heard emotion in his playing.

At least not much.

His playing was always robotic.

But now...

He's so comfortable.

When he played last time with me I felt the same thing.

Elizabeth stared at him wonder filling her eyes.

He spoke more in music than he did in words...

When Milo played, Elizabeth leaned against him.

Whats she doin?

Milo asked, " Whatchu doin?"

Shocked he pushed her off, Elizabeth replied, " I-I'm sorry..."

Milo replied, " Quit stuttering and tell me whatchu was doin..."

Elizabeth blinked replied, " I was just leaning against you..."

Milo said, " Thats all you had to say, now go ahead, Ion mind."

Smiling, Elizabeth rested her head on his shoulder.

"You missed a note."


It was midnight and the two were eating pizza and listening to Bradenburg Concertos while looking at the stars.

While doing so, they continued talking.

Milo asked, " So you got a favorite piece you play on your violin?"

Elizabeth said, " Yes..."

"What song is it?"

She looked at the stars threw her braids behind her said, " Hallelujah."


She said, " I used to play that piece all the time. "

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