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Millie's P.O.V

While Millie played the next four measures of the Third Movement of Moonlight Sonata, Elizabeth interrupted and instructed her to sight read and play it correctly after she showed her how to do it.

"Okay! On Wednesday I'll be back and we'll review what we learned today. Until then, sight read, listen to the song, and play it and on Wednsday you'll show me what you learned."

Elizabeth instructed closing her binders and putting her stuff in her purse.

Millie closed the piano asked, " Elizabeth, do you go to highschool?"

Elizabeth faced her said, " Yeah, off of Seaside Beach. That street, the one across from Seven Eleven. "

So she does go to the same highschool as me?

Her eyes lit up like a lightbulb Millie exclaimed, " Thats great! I go there too!"

Elizabeth leaned against the piano replied, " Thats cool! I'm shocked we haven't met before than. Do you have Science seventh period?"

Millie said, " Nah, Milo does though, but I do have English class third period!"

Elizabeth smiled said, " Me too! We should hang out sometime,"

Millie smiled replied, " Yeah! Wanna meet at the bus loop tomorrow morning?"

Elizabeth said, " Alright, I'll see your tomorrow then."

Millie waved and when Elizabeth left, she started smiling uncontrollably.




Millie called, " Come in!"

"Oh, I thought you still in a lesson..."

Bryce exclaimed walking towards Millie with Oreos and cow milk and a Milk flavoured popsicle.

Millie said, " Nah, she just left."

Bryce said, " Oh! So that's the girl who passed me when I came up here..."

Assuming he was talking about Elizabeth Millie replied, " Yeah thats her."

Scratching his hair he replied, " I knew she looked familiar! She's in the same Math class as me!"

Millie said, " Thats great! I was just talking to her about school!"

Bryce smiled replied, " Yeah, so you two will be hangin out a lot?"

Millie said, " Yeah! I'm super excited to cause she's just awesome! We both did a lot of work on Moonlight Sonata but we got pretty far!"

Bryce sat next to her handing her the food replied, " Thats amazing! Can I hear you play?"

Millie nodded kissed his cheek replied, " I knew you'd ask!"

She excitedly lifted the lid and ran through arpeggios and her normal warm up routine and after sight reading the piece, she started to play.

As she played, Bryce stared at her with adoration in his eyes.

She's playing it so flawlessly.

I can tell she practiced.

There's a lot of improvement and it sounds amazing.

She looked up and down and Bryce turned the page.


He nodded listening to her playing.

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