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Milo's P.O.V

Wednesday morning arrived and Milo did not want to go to school.

He only said he'd meet Elizabeth today just so he could get Millie to shut up.

But it's not like he was serious...

Hopping off the bus, he decided to dress up a little bit.

A mix of hood and 90s style.

He wore a long black jacket, white tank top, white jeans, black Nike Air Maxes, and a large chain that hung on his neck.

His jeans were sagged like usual and his black and white Nike Pros were definitely visible.

He also had on a white hat over his cornrows and his fingers glistened with diamond and gold rings of such.

He also wore a gold watch and gold chain bracelet.

Millie walked next to him said, " Jesus Christ. You looked like you just put gold all over you."

Milo asked, " Do I look okay?"

He stopped walking and Millie stared said, " You look really awesome! Very drippyyy... Very givinggg! Like purrrrr,"

Milo laughed spun around happily said, " Yeah I agreee,"

The two were walking around campus and Milo noticed she held a bunch of snacks.

He asked, " Who the snacks for?"

Millie said, " Bryce he said he'll be at school today," She immediately started smiling and blushing happily.

Milo nodded and the two chilled while their friend groups hung around together.

Milo asked, " You waitin for someone?"

Millie said, " Elizabeth of course! Well and Bryce too of course..."

Milo said, " Oh,"

He went to hang with Robert and Martin and Roman.

Roman and Martin were a thing and the only gay couple in Milo's friend group.

Other than Athena, he supported those two as well.

Which was always shocking.

Milo said, " Hi guys,"

Martin waved while Roman just waved burying his face in Martins chest quietly.

Milo asked, " Whats the matter witchu Roman?"

Martin said, " He only got two hours of sleep. So he's kinda like dead today."

Milo said, " Ohhh,"

Robert asked, " You gonna hang with Elizabeth?"

Phillip chimed in, " Please introduce me to her! Oh my God she is so hot! "

Robert said, " Shut up Phillip! But are you Milo? Bryce told me about it,"

Milo said, " Yeah, I'm not looking forward to it..."

Robert said, " Welp. Just get it over with."


Milo headed back to Millie who nodded at Elizabeth who was walking toward the twins.

She said, " Don't be a bitch, just be nice got it?"

Milo was just silent staring at her as she approached them.

She wore a black crop top that was a halter, black pants than were pj styled too, a bandana on her hair, and black Air Force Ones.

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