twenty one

7 0 0

Milo's P.O.V

Today was the day.

The day Milo and Millie would present their pieces for their mother.

Elizabeth was helping Millie with her piece and Milo was on his own.

After Milo had practiced enough, he decided to listen to Millie's playing.

"You sound great! Do it again!"

"Just don't flub on the measures and play full out!"


Milo stood confused.

It wasn't just Elizabeth in there.

Bryce was there too.


With Millie in the middle of her lesson?

Is Millie-

Is she good with that?

Usually Milo was never allowed to hear Millie playing during her lesson so he felt confused why Bryce was allowed to and not him.

Maybe he asked to listen...

Listening to Millie playing, he went inside and Bryce nodded for him to come over.

Elizabeth was behind Millie watching intently.

Bryce excitedly whispered, " Doesn't she sound great?"

Milo replied, " Yeah, she sounds dope..."

Bryce nodded in agreement staring at Millie with total love and adoration in his eyes.

Milo stared at him suprised.

He's never seen anyone so...

In love with someone.

The way he smiled when he spoke about Millie...

How happy he got when he'd meet up with Millie at school...

His whole face lit up when he saw Millie walk up to him happily.

Bryce would talk about Millie all the time now and even before they got together.

Milo was suprised about them both.

Millie was the same way.

He smiled at the two of them.

I bet they'll get married one day.


During break, Millie was chilling with Bryce and Milo was chilling with Elizabeth.

He didn't really talk to her he just sat with her so it looked like he was doing something.

Watching Millie and Bryce laughing and talking together, Elizabeth asked, " How long have they been together for?"

Milo said, " I think two maybe three weeks."

Elizabeth nodded replied, " They look nice together."

Milo said, " Yeah I agree,"

The two were quiet again not knowing what to say.

Milo asked, " How come you stopped playing piano?"

Elizabeth leaned back in her chair replied, " I wasn't really good on it. And it wasn't that fun anymore. Once I played violin, I immediately fell in love with it and haven't stopped playing since,"

Milo said, " Wow, can I hear your playing?"

Elizabeth smiled replied, " Sure! Come on..."

Grabbing his hand, she led him to the music room while Millie and Bryce were talking in the living room.

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