twenty two

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Millie's P.O.V

It was the next day.

Millie had been smiling uncontrollably as she went to school.

Milo was happy to.

Millie ran up to Bryce immediately leaped into his arms while Milo went to his friend group.

"Wha- Hey baby! Your happy, what happened?"

Millie settled in Bryce's arms rested her arms around his shoulders said, " OMG! My mom is going to put me and Milo in a piano competition! I'm so happy I'm definitely going to win!"

When Bryce heard that, he was shocked at that news.

Millie said, " I literally am gonna be the best pianist ever!"

Bryce replied, " Thats amazing! I know you'll be the best pianist Millie! You already are incredibly talented and... You just look so beautiful when you play,"

Millie giggled kissed his forehead said, " Your amazing Bry, ya know that?"

Bryce smiled happily replied, " T-Thank you!"

Millie held him close until letting go dropping herself onto her feet.

Bryce asked, " When are you going to start your competition?"

Millie and Bryce began walking together replied, " She hasn't started arranging it yet cause she just told me and Milo this morning. "

Bryce nodded swinging their linked hands between them as they crossed through the courtyard together.

He asked, " Can you tell me when you do find out?"

Millie stopped held both of his hands looked up at him replied, " Of course I'm going to tell you babe! I bet Milo may already tell you before I do but still..."

Bryce said, " Ion know its just- when Milo was traveling and stuff it was difficult to handle him never being around. And now that he's back two years later its been amazing. Ion know, its just weird both of you are now doing the same thing."

Millie said, " It isn't going to be the same way it was. Trust me,"

Bryce asked, " Can I trust you? Ion know about Milo anymore... But how can I know you ain't lyin?"

Millie said, " Because I have never betrayed nor lied to you about anything serious like this. Everytime something serious like this happens, I always tell you. Okay? You can trust me baby,"

Bryce smiled and the two started walking again replied, " Thank you. "

"Of course..."


Soon it was the last class of the day.

Millie was more than excited to start working on Third Movement of Moonlight Sonata with Elizabeth.

Of course this time, it'd be preparing for the competition.

So no fucking around!

Millie didn't really take music seriously but now that she'll be competing, she'll have to step it up.

"Who got you smiling like that?"

Sidney asked staring at Millie while Max kept nuzzling his nose into her neck affectionately.

Millie replied, " Besides Bryce, the piano."

Sidney asked, " Why?"

Millie excitedly replied, " I'm going to start competing! My mom told me and Milo this morning!"

"Oh, Milo is to?"

Katarina asked while she was passing out papers.

Millie nodded and Sidney said, " Thats cool Millie! I bet you and Milo will win!"

Millie said, " I know! I'm definitely gonna win! With Elizabeth's help, there's no doubt about that!"

Katarina sat down next to Nancie (who was doing her work) replied, " You sure talk about Elizabeth a lot..."

Millie nodded happily said, " She's just so cool!"

Sidney said, " Why not have her chill with us sometime?"

Millie nodded in agreement.

Even though Elizabeth was more comfortable just hanging out with Millie, it was about time she let Elizabeth at least meet her friends.

Max asked, " Is Elizabeth like- talkative? She was when she chilled with Milo..."

Sidney nodded said, " Yeah she kept smiling and was even fine when Milo did that weird thing when he just grabbed her forearms staring at her. At least I saw him do that this morning."

This morning?

They hung out together this morning?

So thats why Elizabeth waved at me when I ran to her.

Turns out she wanted to chill with Milo instead for today.

Millie asked, " Do you think they like eachother? Elizabeth and Milo I mean..."

Sidney shrugged said, " Ion know! Its only been like- a day! Besides Milo isn't really a relationship kinda guy. He just a hoe..."

Katarina said, " I'm sure he's more than that..."

Sidney said, " You just sayin that cause you in love with him..."

Katarina just blushed and turned around immediately.


Sidney: Dude yknow Kat aint got no chance wit Milo right


Millie: Ay aint gotta be mean. You right tho but still... cut her some slack

Sidney: lol i know but still Milo dont even like white chicks... only hispanic and black ppl i think right

Millie: Yeah u right. How do u know his type?

Sidney: Dude its so fucking obvious. He only got hispanic and black chicks around him. And he said so one time i was at ur house.

Millie: Oh. Whos gonna tell her?

Sidney: Let her find out


Sidney ain't ever like that.

Why she gotta be salty like that to Kat?

Do they got secret beef or something?

Millie just brushed the thoughts and inquires aside and spoke about Elizabeth some more.


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