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Millie's P.O.V

When Millie heard that Milo found out Elizabeth goes to the same highschool as them both, she expected he'd be intrested and excited like she was.

But she couldn't be more wrong.

Turns out Milo had an issue with Elizabeth since he heard she was teaching Millie to begin with.

And he spoke to all his friends about how he feels about her.

When she heard this, she was just angry.

This happened last time!

He always has some kind of problem with every teacher I have.


Its not like I get angry with him when he was traveling and performing and competing...

Even times when I had the right to be mad at him, I never took it out on him.

And that was a bigger problem than this is.

Me having a piano teacher who is same age as me isn't as big of a problem like him going to the opposite side of the country and rarely talking or texting or calling me.

So whats his problem?!

It was afterschool and Milo was currently practicing Winter's Wind.

Which he had started to do lately since he had a lesson with their Mom on Thursday.

Sitting in her room at her vanity, she was on the phone with Bryce.

He was currently playing with whatever it was he held on his bed and rambling about animals.

Millie started organizing her drawers at her vanity while listening to Bryce rambling.

She knew he was upset about Josephina so listening to him ramble about animals, did help him get his mind off of Josephina.

"Honestly, I was scrolling through tiktok a few minutes ago and randomly learned how to pick up a duck! It was so random and I realized that everytime I passed a duck, I could've picked them up! So next time I find a ducky somewhere I'm definitely picking him up and bringing him back to the store..."

He smiled happily.

Millie laughed said, " What'd you learn about picking up ducks?"

Bryce replied, " So, basically the guy said don't chase or run up to the duck and if you do end up being behind a duck, go in front of them and introduce yourself and say your intentions on what you'll do. Therefore, the duck isn't freaked out and just chillin. Then you have to stoop down, place your hand directly underneath the duck and lift him up! And thats it."

Millie laughed said, " Well, if I find a duck, I'll definitely remember to do that and stuff..."

Bryce nodded and got quiet.

Millie asked, " What'd you do today? Since you didn't go to school and stuff, "

Bryce said, " Welll, I played GTA, read a book for a while, scrolled through tiktok, and looked after the store and stuff. And thats basically it."

He asked, " What about you?"

Millie said, " I hung out with Elizabeth today! It was so fun, I also practiced Moonlight Sonata for a good minute and hung out with my friends! I also went to Seven Eleven later today with Milo and got my normal snacks and bought you some stuff too!"

"Ooooh what'd you get?"

He rolled on his stomach staring intently and Millie grabbed the shopping bags from under her desk said, " I got Cow Milk, oreos, a milk popsicle, Hot Cheetos, Takis, Red Doritos, and a Sprite!"

Bryce said, " Yee, luckily I'm going back to school tomorrow so I'll take them then,"

Millie asked, " Uhm- Will you at least be able to visit your sister?"

Bryce shrugged explained, " She hasn't moved in completely so I'll find out once she does. But my dad got sympathetic and isn't to bad as I thought and said I can visit once they move in. Well he was talking about him that I can visit since Jo's still getting her room and all her stuff from the moving truck..."

Millie said, "Oh, I'm sorry for asking..."

Bryce waved his hand replied, " Nah your good! It was okay for you to ask, I'm not as upset as I was since I know I can at least see her when I can so thats good,"

Millie said, " Yeah!"

Bryce said, " Oh Robert came by today and told me about Elizabeth and Milo and stuff... So where is he cause I gotta yell at him."

Millie chuckled replied, " Already ahead of you. Ion know what his deal is with Elizabeth anway. She's just like everyone else just cause she is my piano teacher shouldn't give him a reason just hate her for no reason..."

Bryce nodded in agreement.

Millie said, " Lemme go find him. Be right back,"

Pausing her camera, she went to go find Milo.


"Milo! There you are!"

Millie exclaimed grabbed his arm dragging him to her room.

Milo asked, " What?!"

Millie umpaused her camera said, " I got himmmm."

Bryce said, " Hey Milo,"

Milo said, " Hey are you okay?"

Bryce said, " Yeah yeah! I'm chill I 99.9% sure I can visit Josephina at some point once she moves in completely and stuff."

Milo said, " Oh okay that's goood, so whats up?"

Bryce asked, " Why you hatin on Elizabeth for?"

Milo asked, " Why you wanna know?"

Bryce said, " Millie was talking to me about it sooooo, what's your problem bro cause she said you did that last time."

Milo crossed his arms said, " I- I dunno man I just don't know why my mom couldn't have just hired another adult to be her teacher and stuff..."

Bryce asked, " So you jealous or somethin?"


Of me?

If anything, I'm the one whos insanely jealous of him!

Milo said, " Yeah I am! She has everything! What do I got? She has you, a good teacher, lots of friends, and all the teachers love her! I ain't got none o dat!"

Before Bryce could say anything Millie said, " That is so not true! Theres nothing for you to be jealous of. If you want to be with someone you have to wait! And you do have a reputation so no girl can really trust you. At least those who heard of you. Besides, you have lots of friends who love and care about you! I bet even Josephina does too! Your issue Milo is that you feel like- lonely or something..."

Milo was silent.

He didn't try arguing.

Cause he knew she was right.

Bryce said, " Besides why not try getting to know Elizabeth instead of just assumin? From what Millie has said, she seems really nice!"

Millie's eyes lit up like a firework.

She squealed said, " That'd be awesome! Please Milo? I'd be so happy!"

Milo sighed said, " Fine... But it won't be fun!"

Millie said, " Oh stop being a big baby! It'll be fine!"

Bryce nodded in agreement.

Milo looked at them both said, " Fine I guess..."


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