fourty four

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Millie's P.O.V

The next day came and Rhethia told Millie and Milo to stay home.

Bryce never texted nor called.

Millie asked, " What are we gonna do Milo?"

Milo replied, " Lets get mom and get to his place."

Millie nodded hoping Bryce was somewhat okay.

Hopefully nobody hurt him.

Millie called Bryce hoping he'd pick up.


Millie said, " Its me baby,"

"What do you want?! Don't hurt me again!"

Millie replied, " Nonono, its Millie Bryce!"

"... Oh, what?"

Millie asked, " Are you okay lovely? "

Bryce said, " I- I'm so sorry Millie, I had to do it, the guys left and my parents aren't home either but I'm so sorry Millie I couldn't stop them or my parents everything just- I'm sorry!"

Millie replied, " Its okay it isn't your fault sweetie, just try to relax, my mom and Milo are coming to bring you here okay? Everything will be okay."

Bryce said, " I-I... Will it?"

Millie replied, " Yes. They didn't hurt you did they?"



Bryce replied, " They... They uhm- yeah. They- they raped me,"

Millie blinked her eyes immediately filled with tears.


Millie said, " I'm so sorry Bryce, my mom is coming to get you okay. You'll be safe okay?"

Bryce sniffled replied, " O-Okay... I dunno if I can do this anymore Mill's. I wanna stay with you but I dunno if I can do this anymore, life I mean."

Millie said, " No don't say that, everything will get better, just stay with me okay? Hold on a little longer okay baby?"

"I'll try."




"We're back!"

Rhethia called and Millie immediately ran up to Bryce held him.

Rhethia said, " I filed a report and your aunt is going to bring them to court. Bryce, you'll have to go too but I'll be there okay?"

Bryce nodded held Rhethia said, " Thank you so much Mrs Carter!"

Rhehtia patted his back said, " Your welcome Bryce,"

Milo asked, " If he wins, where will he stay?"

Rhethia replied, " Here. With you two. Yeah Milo your moving back here. Your father will be okay."

Milo nodded and Millie said, " Imma talk to Bryce."

Rhethia said, " Go do your buisness..."

The couple were in Millie's room.

Bryce sat on the chaise lounge but Millie said, " No sit on the bed sweetie,"

Bryce nodded slowly sat on the bed.

Millie asked, " Are you okay?"

Bryce said, " It hurts... Everything hurts,"

Millie asked, " What do you wanna do baby?"

Bryce replied, " Can you hold me please? I know you won't hurt me... Sorry for sounding childish..."

Millie kissed his forehead said, " No don't apologize for anything Bryce, come here."

He settled in her lap and she held him close repeatedly whispered, " Relax... Relax..."

Bryce asked, " Whats gonna happen to me? What if I have a disease? Whats gonna happen?"

Millie brushed his hair with her hands replied, " Nothings gonna happen. My mom will fight this case and you'll be safe, and we'll get you tested and everything will be okay, alright sweetheart?"

Bryce said, " I'm scared Millie... What if they come back? There was two of them! They both- they both hurt me..."

Millie said, " They won't come back, you won't see them again, everything is going to be fine, breathe Bryce okay?"

Bryce took deep breaths staring at Millie while doing so.

She kissed his forehead replied, " Everything is going to be okay. We'll get you therapy too, and I'll also be your therapist. Your gonna get better and you'll be safe okay?"

Brye nodded asked, " Can you just hold me and be affectionate? I just want silence please. "

Millie said, " Whatever you want baby,"

Bryce smiled and faced her burying his face in her chest holding her and immediately cried for a very long time.


An hour went by.

But Bryce finally stopped crying and was passed out fast asleep.

Millie was settled at her desk watching him frequently.

Tilting her head, she smiled proudly.

She was glad the two of them were together.

But she just didn't understand why he got hurt.

Why his parents let that happen.

They just didn't see how amazing Bryce really is.

They don't see all the amazing qualities he has that makes him so great.

I wish he can just look at himself the way I do.

That all the bullshit his parents put him through, doesn't define who he is.

She leaned further settled next to Bryce watching his body slowly rise and fall as he slept.

He looks so peaceful.

His eyes were shut and his lips were slightly parted.

Like he thinking...

She smiled rested her head on his hip and immediately grabbed his phone slowly from his hands.

Bryce: Hi. This is Millie Carter, I would like to speak with you and your husband please.

Millie shut off his phone and sighed waiting for a response.

But something hit her.

She didn't care if she didn't get a response.

She's was marching over to that house and talking some sense into those two people.

I don't care if they don't want to.

I love him.

He comes first.


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