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Millie's P.O.V

Today's the day.

I'm going to meet my piano teacher.

Millie was excited all day and chose to hang out with Bryce all day instead of her friends since she'll just get happier.

She had one class with Bryce which was Science.

During class change, she ran through the courtyard to find Bryce.

Greeting her friends on the way she found him listening to music near his group but quiet.

He's upset about his parents...

Doing the unexpected, she ran toward him and hugged him happily.

"Ah! Who- oh hey Millie!"

Hugging her back, Bryce's adrenaline immediately filled his body having him grow a little limp.

Millie asked, " Are you okay? Besides with your parents and stuff?"

Bryce said, " I'm okay. I'm helping Josephina with packing today and she'll be leaving on Sunday. Ion know if I'll get to visit but I'm definitely trying to,"

Millie still held his waist said, " Well you can always crash at my place."

Bryce smiled asked, " Wait really?!"

Millie said, " Hell yeah! O' course!"

He started grinning and immediately hugged Millie and picked her up.

Millie yelled in shock as he held her in his arms happily.

Millie stared in his eyes as he held her close.

She felt a feeling of enchantment while holding Bryce in his arms.

Memories the two of them shared flashed through her mind like a movie film.

His smile...

His laugh...

The way he spoke about what he loved and how passionate he'd get...

How confident he got when he'd randomly ramble in class...

Everything about him...

Millie realized she loved.

She loved everything about him.

I love everything about him.

Even though he ain't perfect, he can be a total dummy I still love him...


The feelings all poured out.

In the middle of Science class later on,  Millie said, " I-I have somethin to tell you Bry,"

Bryce said, " Me too."

In unison they said, " I really really like you. "

Well damn.

Millie laughed said, " Well ain't this convenient!"

Bryce smiled happily and jumped up and hugged her yet again.

"Bryce! Sit down!"

"Sorry Miss!"

Sitting down next to Millie, the couple smiled uncontrollably for the rest of class.


Afterschool arrived and Bryce and Millie were at Seven Eleven together.

Holding hands they walked on the school sidewalk past the carline talking.

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