twenty seven

7 0 0

Milo's P.O.V

The next school day arrived.

Milo wasn't really upset since he remembered to do his homework and had time to hangout with his friends.

Instead of hanging out with Robert and Bryce like usual, he chose to hang out with Elizabeth.

He did all weekend and didn't want to stop.

Millie chose to hangout with Bryce like usual instead of always greeting Elizabeth.

Watching the two walking away together, Millie waved bye and the two disappeared through the courtyard.

Milo watched the two disappear and immediately crashed into a wall.

"Whoa! Milo, you good?"

Milo rubbed his head squeaked, " I'm good I'm great! Hows your day goin hows life?!"

Elizabeth busted out laughing dapped him up said, " I enjoyed hanging out with you on the weekend!"

Milo nodded said, " Yeah! Same! And uhh, Liz I got a question..."

He stared at her outfit suprised like usual.

She wore a white crop top, a red sparkly butterfly jacket, and beige pants. Her Locs were down.

Her outfits were always so versatile.

One day she'd dress all formal...

The next she'd dress like a 90s icon,

To emo...

And even as a skater girl!

He loved her style.

Unlike the other girls he's met, Elizabeth always stood out in the crowd compared to the rest.

And Milo liked that about her a lot.

She asked, " What?"

He said, " Oh! Well, after hearing you play your violin on Saturday, I just couldn't stop thinking about it... It sort of made me realize that I don't have to play robotically all the time, and it sort of showed me I can put my emotion into the music. Which is something I can't do that well and-"

Elizabeth asked, " You want me to help you with that?"

Milo asked, " Can we perform together?"

Elizabeth said, " Oh! Uhhh, maybe? I dunno I haven't performed in competitions with someone before. Usually I play alone but we can talk to your mom about it..."

Milo replied, " Okay."

Elizabeth asked, " Did you have a song in mind?"

He said, " Well I really liked how you did on Hallelujah so I wanted us to play that."

Elizabeth stared suprised.

She didn't know her music actually hit him somewhere.

Most people who heard her play just said, " Good job." And that was it.

She never had a person who listened to her music and give her such a passionate interpretation of the piece she played.

She was glad Milo was that person who genuinely enjoyed her musicality...


In 7th period, Milo sat with Athena like usual.

Athena asked, " Somethin goin on between you and Liz?"

Milo said, " Nah not really... Why?"

Athena replied, " Well you both have been hangin out a lot lately. And everytime I see you two hangin out together, your always super happy and smiling every time. And you don't just stand there staring but you actually talk to her! You rarely ever do that! "

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