thirty seven

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Milo's P.O.V.

Today is the day.

Millie's piano competition.

Even though Milo wasn't performing he was very nervous.

Millie never competed before.

What is Mom starts pressuring her to win?

Like she did to me?

Milo took deep breaths as he got dressed in his suit and added his Gold Apple pin that was his lucky charm.

Wish I wore it yesterday to.

He had the charm forever and two years ago when he did compete as a job and whatnot, he had it on him at all times.

Elizabeth had slept in Millie's room for the night instead so Bryce ended up being his roommate for the night.

As the two got dressed Bryce asked, " Are you okay Milo?"

Milo nodded straightened up his suit jacket replied, " Yeah just nervous about Millie."

Bryce said, " She's going to win. I know she will, just chill bro."

Milo nodded and Bryce continued getting dressed staring at himself in the mirror.

Milo asked, " Do you love Millie, Bryce?"

Facing him, Bryce replied, " Absolutely. Not only is she my best friend, she's my girlfriend and I'd do anything to keep her safe. Sure we'd have arguments or we'd be mad or have tough times, but I'm not just going to drop her and leave. She means so much to me. So yeah, I do love her a lot."

Milo was stunned.

He didn't expect Bryce to say that.

Bryce was a hoe.

He's just like me.

Bryce said, " Yeah I used to be a hoe and stuff like you Milo, but I don't like dicking around and stuff. It's a waste of time and a complete hazard to both women and men. Luckily I learned that in Science class, but I'm not going to cheat, abuse, or cause any harm to Millie. And I don't get tempted by any girls. The only one who can flirt and be all sexy and stuff is Millie. So yeah, to answer your question."

Milo nodded said, " Hm. You better not hurt her, just cause we're best bros doesn't mean I trust you with Millie. I'm still suspicious and I'll be watching you..."

Bryce asked, " Just like Millie will be watching you with Elizabeth?"


Milo asked, " What are you trying to say?"

Bryce finished up and brushed his hair replied, " Millie don't trust you with Elizabeth. You don't trust me with Millie. Just cause your suspicious and don't trust me with Millie doesn't mean she doesn't feel the same about you and Elizabeth. I can be stupid but I'm not fucking retarded. "


Milo asked, " Who are you?"

Bryce laughed jokingly replied, " Your worst nightmare. "

Milo laughed said, " Your a dummy."

"So are you, you hoe."


Everyone was ready!

Well, except Elizabeth and Millie.

Bryce, Milo, Ramone and Rhethia were all waiting by the door impatiently.

Rhethia grumbled, " If she keeps it up at this pace, she'll miss her performance! They better be done and I'm bustin in there!"

Rhethia angrily marched to the door kicked it open yelled, " What are you girls doing?! We're waiting on you both! Hurry up or I'm dragging you out there whether your dressed or not so hurry up!"

Milo and Bryce tried not to laugh.

Millie always took long getting ready.

And Rhethia sometimes ended up yelling at her for it.

Which was always funny.

Millie said, " Okay okay, Coming!"

The girls fell over on eachother as they ran out following Rhethia's orders.

Once the two pulled themselves together, they stood together silent.


Bryce said, " Geesh,"

Millie, stood beautifully in a deep red shimmery glittery gown, with pearls on her neck, and diamonds in her hair and ears.

She had her nails painted blood red and diamond rings on her fingers and bracelets on her wrists.

With her tall physique, everything was even better.

At least to Bryce that is.

Elizabeth on the other hand, wore a white dress and held a black boa on her arms.

She wore diamonds and gold and her hair was held up in a white headscarf again.

She looks gorgeous.

Rhethia said, " Alright enough gawking you two! Get in the car!"

Everyone hurried out the door to the limo hoping they'd still make it on time despite the slight delay.

But even one slightest small mistake, can fuck it up for everyone.

Millie hoped she wouldn't make that mistake.


At the Concert hall, Millie pulled Milo backstage with her.

She was ridiculously nervous and all she wanted was Milo to be there with her.

Not even Bryce.

Millie started messing with her fingers pacing back and forth.

Milo leaned against the wall trying to console her and calm her down.

Millie asked, " What if i mess up? Or I trip? Or run off? What am I going to do Milo? I'm just so nervous what if my hands get all stiff? What if I forget what to play?"

Milo grabbed her shoulders said, " Millie! You have calm down, you'll be fine. All that practice you did was all for this! You'll do great out there and just focus on playing and think of who you love. Just calm the fuck down Mill's,"

He said, " Take a deep breath. In... and out..."

Milo took deep breaths with Millie, who eventually calmed down.

Milo asked, " You want to listen to the song to practice it a bit? Or look at the sheet music?"

Millie said, " Sheet music please,"

Milo pulled out the booklet from Elizabeth's purse that Millie took when Elizabeth wasn't looking.

Millie sighed slid down carefully and sat on the floor reading the music tapping on the sheet music.

Milo kept an eye out for the guy who stood at the door to announce her turn.

Which is 17.

Milo said, " On the bright side Mill's, your turn is 17. Isn't that your lucky number?"

Millie looked up at him said, " Yeah, it is my lucky number."

Milo said, " Than of course you'll do well,"

Millie leaned against him said, " I love you big brother,"

Milo smiled sat next to her placed an arm around her replied, " I love you to Millie."


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