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Millie's P.O.V

Walking through the courtyard with Bryce she said, " I met my piano teacher yesterday!"

Bryce said, " Ooh! Do tell!"

The couple sat down Millie rested her legs on Bryce's lap explained, " So, her name is Elizabeth Jackson! She's so cool! She really just fit in with rest of us and I think she's way better then my old piano teacher. What was even better is that, when we played the piano, we did a bluesy jazzy song that we made up as we went along. I never did that before and it was so cool! Even Milo got a turn! We all had so much fun, I felt like- well- at the keys I was nervous at first and then I thought of you and just jumped in easily!"

Bryce smiled replied, " Thats awesome! I bet she'll possibly end up being your best friend or something?"

Millie said, " Yeah! She is sixteen and I'm definitely going to ask if she goes here... Ion know but I hope she does!"

Bryce stared into Millie's eyed smiling at her happiness.

She's so beautiful...

Millie said, " Honestly Bry, there's like- something about her that you have to! Ion know what it is but like, it was just so cool I could play with no problem compared to when I usually play..."

Bryce asked, " Whatchu mean?"

Millie fidgeted with her hands putting together her words replied, " Ion know but every time in class when you always have something to say, it just comes off as confident and you always start rambling so fearlessly not caring of others opinions about you. Elizabeth has that too. Except more with music than talking. But yeah! Thats one of the things I love about you,"

Bryce blushed asked, " What is?"

Millie giggled said, " Your so slow. I love that you alwayd can talk about whatever the fuck you want so fearlessly! Its just so amazing! And your so unintentionally sexy when you do that..."

Bryce stared at her until he turned bright red buried his head in his hand laughing nervously.

Millie asked, " Whats so funny?"

Bryce replied, " Nothing,I'm just not used to affection..."

Millie leaned against him said, " Welp. Get used to it! Cause it'll happen a lott,"

Bryce smiled gave her a hug said, " Yayyyy,"

She giggled climbed on his lap rested her head against his chest quietly and scrolled through Tiktok on her phone quietly.

Bryce just played with her braids braiding and unbraiding a few until the bell rang for class.



Lunch came around and it was the only time of the day Millie was able to hang out with Milo.

Since she knew all his friends, his friends all knew and treated her the same way they treated Milo.

Robert yelled, " Hey Mills!"

Phillip waved and Jordan and Jessica greeted her to.

Bryce disappeared but his backpack was presant so she knew he was somewhere nearby.

Probably in the lunch line.

Sitting next to Robert she asked, " Y'know where Milo is?"

Robert said, " Making out with Josephina somewhere,"

Millie said, " Welp. Time to blow up his phone."

Millie: Milo.

Millie: Hey

Millie: Helloooooooo

Millie: You cowww answer mee


Millie: Gah damn why u gotta yell. I wanna hang witchu!

Milo: I'm busy with Jo.

Millie: You have all dayy Pleaseeee

Milo: Fine...

Millie: Yayyy! Love ya bro!

Milo: Love ya tooo♡

Putting her phone away, Millie happily clapped her hands.

Robert asked, " What- you got him to come back?"

Millie nodded said, " I just haven't seen him all day,"

Phillip said, " Betchu was makin out with Bryce somewhere and forgot..."

Millie blushed said, " Shut up! We just got together!"

Phillip laughed and played on his phone.

"Oh hey Millie!"

Bryce called placed down a Gatorade and greeted her with a hug.

Millie looked up said, " Helloo!"

Robert asked, " Can you both not be all mushy in front of me? Its disgusting..."

Millie pushed her hand in his face said, " Than go away!"

Robert scrunched his face up said, " I did my skincare routine this morning! And you got my face all dirty again!"

Millie laughed mimicked, " Skincare routine. Your such a girl sometimes Robby Rob Robert, Roberto,"

Bryce laughed Robert said, " Still!"

Millie said, " Oh well nobody cares Robert..."

Robert said, " I do!"

Phillip said, " You might be the only one who does."

Robert said, " Well when we all are 25 I'll look like 18 and y'all will look like your ten years older!"

Millie laughed smacked the back of his head playfully and settled on Bryce's lap.

Sipping Gatorade he asked, " Want some?"

Millie nodded sipping some of his Gatorade quietly.

Bryce just was going through Snapchat on his phone quietly.



Turning their heads, Milo and Josephina walked toward the couple Milo grabbed Millie's hands and Josephina grabbed Bryce's hands.

Millie laughed staring at Bryce Milo said, " Don't be gettin to comfortable with my sister!"

Bryce said, " Well don't be gettin to comfortable with my sister!"

Josephina said, " Lets go to a vending machine,"

The siblings separated and Millie asked, " Whatchu wanna do Milo?"

Exaggerating his name, Milo snickered replied, " Just chill. Hows your boyfriend?"

Millie said, " He's great! Hows your girlfriend?"

Milo said, " Dat bitch ain't my girlfriend. But she's good, "

Millie said, " Damn is every girl you meet a bitch?"

Milo said, " Besides you, yeah."

Millie asked, " Even Elizabeth?"

Milo blushed said, " What?! Yes! Even her! Ion even- just no."

Millie said, " You think she fine don't you?"

Milo said, " No! Shes just- well she's pretty!"

Millie said, " Same thing Milo!"

Robert asked, " Who's Elizabeth?"

Millie said, " Elizabeth Jackson, she's my new piano teacher. "

Robert said, " Ohhh."

Milo said, " Anyway what should we do?"

Millie said, " Lets go buy soda at a vending machine. "

So the twins went to a vending machine talking about piano on the way.


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