twenty three

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Milo's P.O.V

Soon it was the weekend.

Elizabeth was sleeping over their place for the first time.

Milo knew he wasn't going to chill with them both so he just planned to call Robert and Bryce and play GTA while talking to them.

Milo was at Starbucks passing out drinks as a waiter.

Millie was at the bar passing out lattes and stuff.

"Hey sir! I got a question for you?"

Turning to table 5, a girl with long black hair, wore a black crop top, a chain around her stomach, and black pants and black platformers yelled blushing slightly.

He asked, " How may I help you Miss?"

She said, " Well, my friend over there thinks your cute. Can I give her your number?"

His stomach dropped.

Free hookup?

Milo looked over and said, " Can you bring her over here please? Wherever she is, I would like to talk to her."

She said, " Oh okay!"

As she jumped up to fetch her friend, Milo watched.

Even though he wasn't attracted to white girls, thid one was really pretty.

Why can't I have her?

But Milo immediately regretted his thought when he saw her friend.

Okay goodbye.

Pulling Elizabeth by the arm, the other girl marched toward Milo determinedly holding in her laughter as the duo made their way to him.

Oh no.

Oh no.

Oh no!

Fuck my life.

The girl said, " Here she is!"

Milo said, " Hi Elizabeth..."

Elizabeth just waved staring at her shoes.


She never hangs her head.

Always keeps great posture and her head held high.

Always so confident that way...

The girl said, " Well I'm Isabella. Her best friend, she thinks you cute..."

Elizabeth was desd silent staring at her shoes clicking them nervously.

Isabella said, " Well imma go watch our drinks. Good luck Eli!"


Milo placed down the tray said, " Well I'm on break now so whats she talking about?"

Elizabeth said, " Geez no need to be rude... I thought you'd be happy,"

He replied, " I'm not happy. I'm shocked."

Elizabeth asked, " Shocked? Why?"

The pair was outside and he said, " Cause you Millie's teacher. I ain't supposed to be gettin witchu."

Elizabeth said, " Oh."

That was always the reason.

Elizabeth started getting annoyed he kept using the same excuse to not talk about his life.

Not have a normal conversation.

Everytime she asked him a question, he'd always give her curt short responses.

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