twenty eight

4 0 0

Millie's P.O.V

A week went by.

Millie and Milo will start competing next week.

Millie was nervous about it and immediately went to Bryce for help.

Spotting him walking with friends, she yelled, " Bryce! Wait for me!"

He stopped facing her, his friends stopped too.

They all waved bye and the couple was alone.

Bryce said, " Hey baby! What's up?"

Millie replied, " I'm starting my competition next week! I just wanted to tell you,"

Bryce said, " Oh thats cool! What song are you planning on doing?"

The two started walking and Millie thought for a minute and replied, " Well there's no point in doing anything else. So I think I'll compete with Moonlight Sonata, Elizabeth and I worked so hard on it theres no point in starting on a new piece..."

Bryce figured and knew she'd say this.

He didn't know why he asked though if he already knew what she'd say...

He just wanted to know what she'd say anyway.


He said, " Oh! Sorry I wasn't listening, what were you saying?"

Millie said, " It'll be overseas. Like, in Europe. So I won't be in America when the competition time comes around,"

Bryce asked, " For how long?"

Millie shrugged replied, " Uh maybe a week. Besides competing, Milo and I might end up venturing through France together the whole time as a small vacation."


Millie said, " I mean- at least I think it'll just be me and Milo and my mom, but I'm sure Elizabeth might be coming to since she's my teacher and stuff. Speaking of which, you want to come with me to find her?"

Bryce nodded feeling a drop in his stomach.

He originally thought she'd ask him to go with her overseas.

But he felt a little sad Elizabeth would be there and he wouldn't.

Other than going to either Cuba or California, he rarely went anywhere.

Josephina was the only one who really went out to places.

Hearing his friends going to places and different countries, cities and states made his stomach swish around in envy.

So unfair.


Bryce said, " Yeah sure! Let's go!"

Holding her hand firmly, he marched around campus looking for Elizabeth dragging Millie with him the whole way.



It was lunch time and Millie was sitting alone at a table outside.

Instead of hanging with Bryce and his friends, she chose to sit alone or with either Milo or Elizabeth.

Bryce was just being weird.

She assumed he maybe needed some time alone (possibly to absorb what she said earlier) but she still was unsure.

All she wanted was a little alone time.

"Hi Mill's!"

Elizabeth greeted holding her lunchbag and her tote bag that sat on her shoulder.

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