forty five

11 0 0

Milo's P.O.V.

It was the next day.

But he wasn't going to school.

Getting dressed, he was bringing Bryce to his first therapy session.

Rhethia set it up so Bryce could at least do something to not deal with anymore trauma while she'd fight for his custody in court.

Pulling on a black top and a gold chain, he chose to also see Elizabeth.

He felt like he hadn't seen her in a while even though they hung out yesterday.

I think I miss her.

He had odd feelings flowing around his stomach mixed with adrenaline as he thought of Elizabeth.

Like something happened to her.

Or she was going through something.

Or she wasn't happy like she usually would be.

I do miss her.

Staring at himself in the mirror, he smiled.

I bet she'll like my outfit.

I bet 20 bucks she would.

Realizing it wasn't time to visit Elizabeth, he went to Millie's room to wake up Bryce.


Opening the door, Millie was already gone to school.

But Bryce was still asleep.

Its 12 pm and he's still asleep?

Dang guess he loves to sleep.

He carefully tip toed to his bedside and gently tapped his shoulder.

"Bryce... Bryce... Dude... You gotta wake up bro..."

But Bryce was still asleep.

Milo stared said, " Are you dead? Wake up... You have therapy today... C'mon bro... I'd physically drag you downstairs but I'm to lazy too... Brycee... Dude..."

Bryce growled in his sleep rolling over.

Milo laughed said, " You sounded like a dog. C'mon duddeeeeee,"

Gently shaking Bryce Milo squeaked.

His entired body was covered in sweat.

Bryce started moving around whimpering quietly.

"No... No... Don't touch me... Leave me alone..."

Milo said, " Bro! Its just me!"

"No! Get away from me! Don't touch them!"

Bryce yelled jumped up waking completely petrified.

Bryce asked, " Milo?! What- Go away!"

Milo said, " Bro! Calm down, did you have a nightmare or something? "

Bryce said, " Yes I did! Now go away!"

Milo said, " Nope, your getting dressed, c'mon."

And immediately grabbed his hands dragging him and pushed him in the bathroom tossing a change of clothes said, " We got somewhere to go."

Bryce asked, " Where-"


Milo said, " I'll tell you once your dressed!"

"Oh okay..."

Milo sighed and headed downstairs to get breakfast set up.


"Marry me Milo!"Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz