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   "Who is he?"
She questioned looking back to her booklet.

He looked at his mom's face that seemed void of any emotion. This is going to be hard.sighing internally he replied with
    "Her therapist Dr. Hameed"

    "So what was your answer to him" she asked pushing her spectacles back.

     "I told him we're going to talk about it" hearing this Khadijah paused her movement , intertwining her hands she looked up to him her grey eyes portraying coldness.
     "Good,reply him with No, we are not accepting the proposal" just like I expected thought Ahmad.

Maama and Ahmad are so protective of Asma since after that incident but Khadijah's own has surpassed his, she's so possessive of her, she doesn't trust anyone else to be close to Asma apart from her,Ahmad and Fateema. Ahmad sat there in dilemma, Hameed's words flashing back in his head 'he's indeed right we have to face reality,not everything in life is bad, life is always bitter sweet' lastly he made up his mind.

     "Maama, Asma needs a change,a change of everything,of environment,of family. She needs someone more than just a mother,a brother,and a friend,she needs a partner that's by marrying her off and the best partner she could ever come across is Hameed Maama. He knows her condition yet he accepted her that way, Maama not everyone have the heart and resolve to tolerate her behavior"

   A malicious grin found it way to her cold face
" He indeed brainwashed you just like that person did,he made you to convinced me to allow Asma to go with him,so now you're trying to convince me again to trust this person,it's like history repeating itself. Ahmad we trusted that person and what was the outcome?eh?" She questioned him "He betrayed us Ahmad,he cut us so deep,he betrayed us " she added .

Ahmad clenched his hands his heart ablaze but no way he's giving up, this is one in-a-million chance and no way in this world he's going to let it slip away, Allah gave us this chance He sent us Hameed and I believe he's a blessing insha Allah. So I am not going to loose this chance I am going to make her accept him for sure!for sure!!!.

           "Maama. Not all people are the same,some are good,some are bad. Maama you want Asma to go back to being normal more than anyone else and this is just like a path to achieving that, she needs to experience real life not by those heck of fantasy books..." she roughly cut him off

   "I desperately want her to become herself again,but Ahmad not by trusting her to someone else, the therapy session is enough for her, I won't marry her off to him."

After saying this she started to gather her booklets ready to get up but Ahmad stopped her.
      "Maama please reconsider your decision, don't say no, think about it,look at it from the positive perspective, she is in need of new love and that will lead her to experience other emotions" Her eyes dully looked at him she parted her lips and said in a low voice.

     "Let's stop this talk if you don't want to face my wrath and my love and yours is enough for her" she packed up the booklets and made her way to her room.

      "What if she craves for another love other than ours, what if she wants to experience that feeling of falling in love, what if she wants a change,what if the person she wants to discover her emotions back with is Hameed,if she wants to marry him what will you do" she halted midway, then she turned around and looked at him.

     "Let the time come first"

     "Maama you just sounded like she won't recover her emotions back"

     "I did?" She said with faked innocence and continued to walk away.
Ahmad hurriedly stood up 'not yet!,I won't give up not yet!!' and made his way to her,standing in front of her he got ahold of the booklets in her hands and led her back to the dining table,putting the booklets aside his hands firmly hold her own hands as he looked at her with a soft gaze.

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