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"You can't die yet!" The hope that slightly lit up extinguished itself. He walked to me and finally unbuckled the heretics fork. My neck that numbed stretched. But the happiness was a short lived one because

my frail body shivered when i saw him pulled out a knife.
   He squatted before me and raised the gleaming sharp knife at my face.

      "No!!no!!"I shouted pulling back,wanting to scrunched away but me being tied to a chair and my bonded hands and legs deprived me

    "Oh!c'mon don't be such a kitty kitty you just went through something more brutal,I will just slice it a bit" and Nameez slowly dragged the knife from my mid thigh to my knee. An ear piercing cry escaped my chapped lips when I felt her muscles tearing apart in the most painful way. My eyes rolling apart like I was going to black out.

"How far have you counted." He asked twisting the knife into my flesh. I opened my mouth but nothing came out, I tried to say something as he kept doing that and at last I got no choice but to bear the pain

"Five hundreds...and fifty nine. Five hundred and fifty two. Five hundred and thirty ."I continued

    "Ahh!!!!" Nameez sighed in satisfaction as he saw the crimson blood oozing from the fresh slice.
    "Oh no!how fascinating!!Do you know how much the sight of blood entice me!!!I just love the unique color not red,not maroon,not orange but bloody crimson" I couldn't utter anything more as the pain still rang in my head immobilizing me.

      "Ohh!! Don't worry I'll stitch up the wound right away and we'll make another one tomorrow okay?" He stood and walked to a particular cupboard and brought a first aid kit that contained first aid equipments.

   He squatted again before me and brought out the items
     "Uhmm? Let's see". He picked the surgical needle and the thread. He also picked the anesthesia injection but put it back
      "No need for that since you're a brave girl,you can endure the pain right?". He asked and as usual I didn't say anything. He pushed the needle into the wound and again a sharp pain stroke my entire being. Tears kept rolling down my dirty cheeks and silent cries escaping my lips as he stitched up the wound.
As he cut off the thread I thought he was done he picked the small scissors and undid the freshly stitched.
I let out a screech as he finished open the the wound. Another set of blood oozed out of it.

After that he will stitch it up and later reopen it and stitch it and then reopen it and stitch it up and reopen it.He did that countless times till I lost conscious."


The time I woke up I saw myself on the floor tied to a pole. The door of the basement opened but I couldn't look up afraid of his eyes making contact with me.

"SalamuAlaikum." I heard and my head  turned in a speedy manner to look up to the door.

"W-w...w-waalaikum salam," my voice quivered when I saw aunt Zaynab and all I think about now was my freedom.

"Aunt Zaynab please help me,free me I want to go home."

"I am so sorry Asma I can't help, I am powerless,he will kill my parents if I do that." She squatted to me and kept the plate of food before she picked the wet towel she came with to wipe my dirty face.

After that she gently picked my freshly stitched hand to wipe the blood. I flinched before i sniffed back tears because of the prick I felt from the towel contact with my wound.

"Asma pray to Allah you'll be rescued,insha Allah there will be end to this."

"End? To this? I am definitely going to die from this severe pain."

"Subhanallah! Asma don't say this." She kept the towel to her side before she cleared the hair that was on forehead to the back of ears and cupped my cheeks gently.

"There will end to this insha Allah. I promise you that." The hope and care I saw in her black irises made me to broke into tears. After I calmed down a bit

"He is slicing my skin off aunt Zaynab I can't endure it anymore. I am tired of this,it feels like there's no end."

She used her thumbs to clear the remnant of tears on my face before she withdrew her hands and sat beside me to unbound my hands.

"Uncle Nameez is no longer the sweetest uncle that I once know. He has totally changed to a brutal monster with no heart and iman (faith)." I started

"Aunt Zaynab he's a monster,a bloody monster. He killed his parents Dada and Nana. He tempered with Baba's car brakes and that led to his death. He killed them and he shamelessly confessed that without any remorse and care like he killed no one.

"Unfortunately Aunt Zaynab you married a sadist."

"I know Asma,he deceived me to marry him. It was recently that I caught him killing a person and I also got to see his psychiatrical and criminal record. But Asma I couldn't do anything because he threatened to kill my family and I am hundred percent sure he meant it."

"I am always praying to Allah to bring an end to this. I've never lose hope and I won't ever. So please Asma don't loose hope too. Put your total trust in Allah okay? He will rescue us from this insha Allah." She cleared my tears again and presented the plate of food to me.

"Have this before it turns cold."
I quickly grabbed the bread with my free hand stuffing it into my mouth like a hungry squirrel. I spent two days now without taking a single atom of grain into my stomach. I felt like dying.

Aunt zaynab picked the mop and started to mop the floor that was recking with my own blood.

"Aunt Zaynab can't we do anything?" I asked after I was done with the food and sipped the water she gave me. Keeping the mop to the side she came and bounded my hands back. She stood up to say.

"I don't have phone and Whenever I get out Nameez get his underlinings to monitor me but.
I will see what I can do. I will be going to the market today's evening and I will try to get away and report to the nearby police station. You hang in here a little bit longer my baby.Asma Insha Allah I'll get you out of here."

Before she exited the basement she turned to say

"Endure it Asma no matter what he said don't say anything. I will get back with the police insha Allah. Hang in okay?"

I slowly nodded my head and with that she walked out and closed the door and the darkness eloped the room all over again.

SalamuAlaikum,Hi,Hello. Such cruelty!😡. I am so sorry for the gruesome words. So please endure it we're soon coming to the end of her past. Asma has indeed suffered much.!!

Thank you and please don't forget to vote❤️✨

Bye 😘

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