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Days have passed and Asma's hand therapy session started today,the bullet wound had already healed up so to loosen the muscles that sore and to move her arm freely she needs therapy.

Hameed escorted her to the room that the physical shoulder therapy going to take place. The doctor hasn't called for Hameed to explain the rest of the tests results,this has been bugging Hameed that he thought perhaps something grave happened to his wife and the doctor is taking his time to inform him. So to get his mind off that thought he escorted her to the therapy.

"Today Mrs. Hameed we are practicing.." the female therapist explained to Asma who nodded her head in an understandable manner. Hameed excused himself out of the room and Asma removed her Abaya leaving herself in her top and trousers. The woman started to show Asma how to raise her shoulder above her head before stretching it sideways.

After about 1 hour Asma sweatily came out from the therapy room. Hameed helped her back to her assigned room where she cleaned up and had her dinner.

"I can see the therapy is helping you. You can finally move your shoulder now. And you can even take a bath by yourself " he teased her with a wink,a camouflage meaning behind his words and that earned him a glare from her.

"Yes the therapy is indeed helpful and I can take a shower by myself without the help of certain someone."

"Hh that's a good thing Wifey." Hameed laughed and pulled her more into his embrace.

"Hubby when will be my discharge? I am tired and sick of staying here. The smell of antibiotics,antiseptic,germicidal usually every time make me want to vomit." She finished her statement with puffing air of distress out of her mouth.

"The doctor haven't called me up till now to explain the rest of tests results. I will look for him tomorrow insha Allah and also talk to him about your discharge."

"Okay I.."she suddenly stopped and closed her mouth with her palm before hurriedly getting down the bed and stormed into the bathroom.

She entered the bathroom in haste forgetting to close the door behind. She bent to the toilet bowl and all that she ate for dinner came up to throat and into the toilet seat.

"What's wrong Asma?" Hameed asked getting inside the bathroom. She couldn't answer him as she puked again. When he saw that he quickly bent and gathered her hair into his hands which deprived them into getting her way.

When she finished she rinsed her mouth and washed her face before Hameed carried her out of the bathroom as she felt extremely week.

He laid her down on the bed and cleared the hair that got stuck on her forehead.

"Do you want to take some water." He asked and she bubbled her head. He replenished the tumbler that was on the bedside drawer with water before presenting it to her lips. She took some sip before she laid back.

"Are okay now?" He sat on the chair and held her hand,caressing it with care.

"Mmm". She lazily closed her before she opened again

"Did you eat something not to your liking earlier." He questioned wanting to know the cause of the vomit.

"No I liked the food earlier. Many times when I eat food or something I will feel like puking but whenever I tried nothing will come out . It's today that I puked this serious."

"Hmm." He hummed and sunk into his thought. 'She craves for weird things these days,doesn't like the smell of antiseptics,the smell of boiled eggs and feels like vomiting all the time.' After he finished gathering his analysis,his orbs widen slightly as he came to conclusion.

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